What is Florida Insurance?
One unexpired government-issue ID is required for this common type of Pearson VUE exam.
What is INSFL?
This type of exam can be used to get credit for college classes, without needing to take the class itself.
What is CLEP?
Students taking a PROV exam need to sign in in this book.
What is the Prov sign-in log book?
You should always offer to let the student use this.
What is the restroom?
What is Criminal Justice Basic Abilities Test?
This photo ID won't count as a primary ID, but it will count as a secondary ID on the CJBAT.
What is a concealed carry permit?
A professor may drop off this type of exam.
What is a class test?
One common type of Prov exam is Journeyman [this].
What is Electrician?
What is a watch?
What is Certified in Cybersecurity?
The NREMT-E requires two of this form of ID.
What are signed?
This exam determines what course the student will be placed in when entering college.
What is PERT?
Some Prov exams require you to take this when checking in a student.
The name of our scheduling software, which we use to check students in and out of exams.
What is RegisterBlast?
What is Transportation Security Administration Florida Air Marshall Service?
What is a government-issued photo ID?
The American Government one of these exams can be used to bypass a Civic Literacy requirement.
What is CLEP?
Most Prov exams allow this kind of reference material.
What are textbooks?
A student who does not show up to an exam, and who does not call to reschedule, is called this.
What is Certified Therapeutic Riding Instructor?
You must do this if a student does not have the appropriate ID.
What is, inform the student they cannot test?
If a student's background questions for this exam show that they are not confident in English, it automatically takes them to the ESL LOEP/Accuplacer, rather than to this exam.
When taking the Prov, students are provided with this many sheets of scratch paper.
What is three?
It is always unprofessional to use this within view of students or professors.
What is your phone?