What tool can you use to make the words bigger?
Zoom tool
Can you ask for help on the SOL tests?
No, no adult can help you
No, an adult has to give you permission.
What should I eat the morning of my SOL test?
A good breakfast either at home or at school
What tool do you use to mark important parts of questions or passages?
Highlighter tool
When should I raise my hand and ask for permission to submit my SOL test?
After you are done and have answered all of the questions
Should I go to bed early or late before my SOL test?
Early! Get plenty of sleep
What tool do you use to X out and get rid of an answer choice?
Eliminator took
How many questions can you leave blank or unanswered?
None! You have to answer all the questions
Can I submit my test if I haven't answered all of my questions?
If I'm sick, do I have to come to school and take my SOL?
No! You can make it up on a day when you're not sick
What tool is available on some math questions to help you find the answer?
Calculator tool
Are all SOL questions multiple choice?
No, but most of them are
How do I know if I've answered all of my test questions?
Look at the Review tool to see if any questions haven't been answered.
Should I be late or on time for school on the day of my SOL test?
On time! We don't want you to feel rushed
If you want to come back to a question and answer it later, what tool can you use to mark it?
Bookmark tool
No, you have to use the pointer tool to answer
What do I do after I'm finished with my SOL test?
Read, draw, sit quietly
Is this test something I should feel nervous and worried about?
No! Just work hard, try your best and show what you know! That's all we want!