If you don’t understand something in the text you should….
A)ignore it
B)Highlight/ underline/ circle and make a note
B) Highlight/ underline/ circle and make a note
A wise character shares his or her wisdom or advice in an effort to help the main character with a problem or a decision.
Words of the wiser.
I am willing to wait and endure without complaint. Which character trait am I showing?
A) impatient
B) patient/ patience
B) Patient/ patience
What is a moment of great intensity in the plot?
Who is the head administrator of our school MS 582?
Principal Merced.
Annotation helps scholars to understand the text True or false
I'm so afraid of heights. Let's go climb that fire tower.
Contrast and Contradictions
Samiel has a willingness to openly say what is known to be true. Which character trait is he showing?
A)dishonest B) loyal C) honesty
What is the perspective from which a story is being told?
Point of view
I like your shoes. __________ cool.
C) their
What’s the first thing we have to do when we see the ELA test according to our annotation checklist?
A) Read the blurb B)Read the directions to see how many questions there are.
Read the directions to see how many questions there are.
When a word or idea is repeated in the text
Again and Again
I like showing concern for others through words and actions. Which character trait am I showing?
What is it called when you give non living things human characteristics?
Who is the president of the United States of America?
The president of the United States of America is Joe Biden
According to our annotation checklist what is the second thing we have to do with the ELA test
Read the blurb
Oh no! Mom and dad are in danger. I can only save one of them. Who should it be?
Tough questions
Victor does not want to share his markers for the art project. What character trait is he showing?
The beginning of the story, where the characters and setting are introduced.
Who is the vice president of the United States of America?
The vice president of the United States of America is Kamala Harris.
According to our annotation checklist What is third thing we have to do?
Read and predict after reading the title
"It was like a light bulb went off in my head. I knew what I had to do”
Aha! Moment
I always show regard for myself, others, property, and those in authority.
What comes after the Climax?
Falling Action
Books that are about real things, people, events, and places.