Studying helps one be ______, which can reduce test anxiety and increase confidence.
What is prepared?
You should approach a test with this feeling.
What is confidence?
When you write down your own questions or flashcards and practice before a test.
What is a practice test or practice questions?
How many hours of sleep should get the night before a test?
What is 8 hours?
You can utilize this resource of someone giving you additional help if you are having difficulty with a concept or subject.
What is tutoring?
You should do this when you are stuck on a question and cannot figure it out.
What is come back to the question later?
This relaxation technique involves focusing on your breathing to calm your nerves before or during the test.
This is when you use a practice test that is set up in the same way as the real test to practice.
What is being familiar with the test format?
What kind of breakfast should you eat the morning of a test?
What is a healthy breakfast?
Continuing to study over time is more effective for _____ memory.
Using the process of elimination to narrow down answer choices can increase your chances of selecting the correct answer.
What is educated guess?
What is one way you can alleviate stress and fidgeting while taking a test?
When you get together with other students to prepare for a test.
What are study groups?
When you use your time wisely during a test and pace out how long you take on the questions.
What is time-management?
When you get a good night's sleep the night before a test and come to school focused and confident, as well as making sure you have all the testing materials that you need.
What is coming to school prepared?
If you aren't sure of the answer on a multiple choice question, you can take out the answer choices you know are not correct.
What is process of elimination?
This approach encourages students to reframe their thoughts about testing by focusing on positive thoughts and affirmations rather than self-doubt.
What is positive self-talk or growth mindset?
What is cramming?
What is Illinois Assessment of Readiness?
If you miss a day of state testing you will have to take the test at another time.
What is makeup test?
If you have time at the end of the test, you should ________.
What is go back and check your answers?
When you experience heart racing, sweating hands, butterflies in your stomach, and test avoidance you may be experiencing what?
What is test anxiety?
This is the best time to start preparing for the test.
What is when you receive the material?
What test subjects do 5th grade students take for state testing? and What test subjects do 6th grade students take for state testing?
6th-ELA, math
What is skip the question and come back to it at the end?