Oh, come on!
Reduce this fraction to it's lowest terms:
Add the following fractions:
3/4 + 3/4
Easy peasy?
When comparing two fractions with different denominators, I can determine which one is larger by multiplying the fractions by the other's denominator.
True or False?
Not so proper..
Convert the following Improper Fraction to a Mixed Fraction:
Are you sure?
When the denominator gets smaller, the pieces get....?
Right to the point!
What is......
9/10+1/4 =?
This one's a thinker...
These two fractions are equivalent.
6/8 and 4/6
True or False?
Mixing it up
Convert the following Mixed Fraction to an Improper Fraction:
4 3/7
I know, I know
Determine the Lowest Common Denominator for the following fractions:
4/6 and 6/8
put em' together!
Dani has eaten 3/7 of one granola bar and 2/5 of another granola bar, how much has she eaten altogether?
When converting fractions from mixed to improper the denominator stays the same, BUT when converting fractions from improper to mixed, the denominator changes.
True or False?
I think i've got it
Convert the following Improper Fraction to a Mixed Fraction:
Yeah, yeah, I got it!
Reduce these fractions to the lowest terms, then add them together.
8/10 and 6/15
Take it away!
Subtract the following fractions:
13/15 - 7/15 = ?
I will not!
If I have 2 whole chocolate bars, 4/6 of a chocolate bar, 2/8 of a chocolate bar, and 1/12 of a chocolate bar, I'll have 3 whole chocolate bars in total.
True or False?
How about now?
In the mixed fraction, 4 and 5/6, what does the "4" represent?
Can you do it?
Can you reduce the fraction 14/350 to 1/25?
twice as much...work!
Add together the following fractions:
4/9 + 3/8
Reduce to the lowest terms
what's that?
The lowest common multiple can help you find the lowest common denominator.
True or False?
Bonus: Include your first AND last name