tests the CFL
what is the talar inversion test
tests the MCL and LCL
what is the varus and valgus stress test
the long version of FABER
flexion, abduction and external rotation
the more pain provocative position adductor squeeze test
what is full knee extension
old man sonofe has been having persistent and worsening anterior hip pain. pain has been present for 2 years and sitting down and getting up from chair make sit worse
what is hip OA
tests the ATFL
what is the anterior drawer test
2 tests for the PCL
what is the sag sign and posterior drawer test
the steps of FADIR
the amount of flexion the knee should be in for the Lachman's test
what is 20-30°
silent killer is on the road to recovery after a grade 2 lateral ankle sprain. name a balance test you would do to assess his balance
what is ___ any balance test: y stance, single leg hop (diagonal and anterolateral), BESS
tests the deltoid ligament
what is the talar eversion test
tests the ACL (2)
what is the lachman's and anterior drawer test
tests for intraarticular pathology
what is FADIR
____version is associated with more hip external rotation
what is retroversion
name 3 tests you would do if a 27 year old came in with medial knee pain, with an MOI of a direct blow on the lateral aspect, while her foot was planted.
what is any MCL, meniscus or ACL test
tests for bifurcate ligament
what is the supination stress test
tests the PLC
what is the dial test at 30°
tests for tight rectus femoris, adductors and abductors
what is the Thomas test
this test has a stop criteria of 10 error scores
the injury that jo mama increased her running distance from 2k to 5k in 3 days. she is now experiencing severe pain in walking and at rest.
what is a stress fracture of the tibia
tests the AITFL and syndesmosis
what is the passive external rotation/syndesmosis test
weight bearing meniscus tests (2)
what is thessalys and deep squat
the 2 non weight bearing tests for gluteal tendinopathy
the degrees of MCL and LCL stress testing and their indications
what is 0° and 30°, and 0° is more stable position and 30° is a less stable
silver grandma (age 26) rolled her ankle, but was unable to weight bear after she injured it. there is significant pain on the lateral malleolus
what is a fibular fracture