The Texan leader that was shot in the ankle while riding a horse during the battle.
Who is Sam Houston?
The man that arrived at 9am on April 21 with 540 Mexican soldiers.
Who is General Cos?
The president of Texas that forced Santa Anna to sign two treaties.
Who is David Burnet?
The distance between the Mexican army and the Texan army at San Jacinto.
What is 500 yards?
The name given to the panic created by the Texan army retreating from the Mexicans.
What is the "Runaway Scrape?"
The man that notified the Texans that Santa Anna and the Mexican army were located near the San Jacinto River.
Who is Deaf Smith?
The man that blew up the bridge crossing Vince's Bayou.
Who is Deaf Smith?
The Secretary of War in Texas.
Who is Thomas Rusk?
The length of the Battle of San Jacinto.
What is eighteen minutes?
What both the Texans and the Mexicans were doing to every town in Texas.
What is burn them down?
The man that was second in command of the Texan army.
Who is Ed Burleson?
The man in charge of the Texan cavalry at the Battle of San Jacinto.
Who is Mirabeau Lamar?
The Texan that was told to replace Sam Houston as the leader of the Texas army if Sam Houston did not stop running and start fighting.
Who is Thomas Rusk?
The amount of Texans killed at the Battle of San Jacinto.
What is ten?
The city that gave the Texans the "twin sisters" as a gift.
What is Cincinnati, Ohio?
The man responsible for making sure the Mexican army did not escape after the battle.
Who is Mirabeau Lamar?
The Texan leader that was wounded during a minor skirmish the day before the battle and was unable to fight.
Who is James C. Neill?
The Commissioner to the United States during the Texas Revolutionary War.
Who is Stephen F. Austin?
The amount of Mexicans killed at the Battle of San Jacinto.
The reason why Sam Houston's men were upset with him.
What is they were tired of running and wanted to fight?
The man who came to Texas with a group called the "Kentucky Rifles"
Who is Sidney Sherman?
The man in charge of the "twin sisters" during the battle.
Who is George Hockley?
The man that replaced Santa Anna as leader of the Mexican government after Santa Anna was captured at San Jacinto.
Who is Anastacio Bustamante?
The amount of fighters on the Texas side and the amount of fighters on the Mexican side at the Battle of San Jacinto.
What is 800-900 and 1200-1250?
The reasons why Sam Houston made the decision to retreat instead of fight.
What is 1. He needed more men. 2. He needed to train his men. 3. They needed more supplies.?