What is the state bird of Texas?
The mockingbird
He was one of the 1st and most famous Spanish conquistadores.
Hernando Cortez
A Spanish word for fort.
The Father of Texas.
Stephen F. Austin
The town where the fight for Texas liberty began and all with a small canon and a "Come and Take It!" flag.
Gonzales, Texas
Fill in the blank:
_______ the Texas flag: I pledge ________ to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and ___________.
Honor, allegiance, indivisible
In 1519, this European explorer was the first to set foot on Texas soil.
Alonzo Alvarez de Pineda
When 50 Jumano Indians appeared at the monastery in New Mexico, who did they say appeared to them and told them to come and ask for more teaching?
The Lady in Blue (Maria de Jesus de Agreda)
President Thomas Jefferson made this huge land purchase from France in 1803.
The Louisiana Purchase
On February 24, 1936, finding the Texians encamped inside, Santa Anna and his army arrived here and laid siege to it for almost 2 weeks.
The Alamo
Name 6 out of the 11 major Texas rivers.
Red, Sabine, Neches, Trinity, Brazos, Colorado, Guadalupe, San Antonio, Nueces, Pecos, Rio Grande
This "Head of a Cow" explorer made detailed observations in his journal of his encounters with native cultures, describing their land and lifestyles.
Cabeza de Vaca
This National Historic Landmark in Goliad, TX is the most fought-over fort in Texas History. Nine flags have flown over it.
Presidio La Bahia
Phillip Nolan was considered this. A "freebooter"--a sort of pirate on land .
A filibuster
The Colonel in charge of the Texians at the Alamo who sent out a desperate letter ending in "Victory or Death!"
Colonel William B. Travis
How many aquifers does Texas have?
Ogallala & Edwards
This is from the Spanish words meaning "son of something of substance."
Before it was called The Alamo, the name of this mission was ______ after the feast day on which it was found.
Elected President of Mexico in 1833, but in 1834 he repealed the Mexican Constitution and made himself dictator.
Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna
The Colonel in charge of the 341 men who were massacred on Palm Sunday. He had 3 wishes before he was executed.
Colonel James Fannin
Name 5 out of 10 Texas Indian Tribes.
Apache, Atakapa, Caddo, Coahuiltecan, Comanche, Jumano, Karankawa, Kiowa, Tonkawa, Wichita
This French explorer established the 1st colony in Texas when he missed the mouth of the Mississippi by 500 miles landing at Matagorda Bay instead. He built Fort St. Louis.
Rene Robert Cavelier, Sieur de LaSalle
He is remembered as the 1st Christian martyr of Texas.
Juan de Padilla
This law was passed in 1830 banning any further immigrations into Texas from the United States, as its name suggests.
The Immigration law of 1830
Santa Anna's brother-in-law.
General Cos