Properties of Matter (TEKS 5.6A)
Density & Solubility
Landform Formation by Water
Landform Formation by Ice & Wind
Ecosystem Interactions

This substance is known for its excellent conduction of thermal and electrical energy

What is metal


Which substance among oil, salt, honey, and sugar is insoluble in water?

What is oil


This landform is created when a river slows and deposits sediment at its mouth.

What is a delta?


“This process causes rocks to crack as water freezes and thaws within them.

What is frost wedging


This primary producer is essential for oxygen production and serves as the foundation of most food chains

What is a plant?


This property, defined as mass per unit volume, determines whether an object sinks or floats.

What is density


In a layered liquids experiment, which procedure helps identify the water layer?

What is adding water and observing the increased volume?


A canyon at Palo Duro Canyon State Park was formed primarily by this force.

What is a river?


Name the force that shapes sand dunes in desert environments.

What are strong winds?


Which animal, observed in previous tests, interacts with both living (grass) and nonliving (water) components of its ecosystem?

What is a white-tailed deer?


Explain why metals conduct thermal energy more effectively than plastics

because metals have free electrons that facilitate energy transfer?


Compare how density and solubility influence whether an object sinks and dissolves in water.

What is because density determines buoyancy and solubility dictates if it will dissolve?


Explain how the continuous flow of river water can erode rock to form a canyon over time.

What is through persistent erosion as water cuts through rock layers?


Explain how glaciers can form U-shaped valleys

What is by the slow, powerful movement of ice eroding valley sides?


Explain how interactions between biotic and abiotic factors help organisms survive in their ecosystem.

What is by providing food, shelter, and energy necessary for life?


Analyze an experiment where objects of various densities are placed in water. How can you determine which objects will sink or float?

What is by comparing each object’s density to that of water?


Interpret a table of substances with measured density, magnetism, and solubility. How would you classify each substance?

What is by comparing each measured property to known standards (e.g., water’s density)?


Analyze the factors involved in a river depositing sediment to form a delta. Which factors are most critical?”

What are the river’s flow speed, volume, and sediment load?


Analyze the differences between wind erosion and glacial erosion. What is one key difference?

What is that wind erosion abrades surfaces using particles while glacial erosion reshapes terrain through freeze-thaw cycles?


Analyze a scenario in which a Texas horned lizard uses rock formations as shelter. How does this behavior improve its chances of survival?

“What is by offering protection from predators and extreme temperatures?”


Design an investigation to measure the thermal and electrical conductivity of several materials. What variables would you control and why?

What is by controlling material dimensions, temperature, and voltage to ensure reliable, comparable data?


Design a lab investigation to test both the density and solubility of various household substances. How would you analyze your data?

What is by measuring volume, mass, and dissolution rates under controlled conditions and comparing results to established benchmarks?


Design a model that demonstrates how a river both erodes land and deposits sediment, forming diverse landforms. What components would you include?

What is including a variable water flow, different sediment types, and an adjustable slope to simulate natural processes?


Design an experiment or model to demonstrate the effects of both glacial movement and wind erosion on rock formations. What materials and variables would you use?

What is using simulated ice blocks and a fan with abrasive particles, controlling variables such as temperature, wind speed, and rock type?


Design a comprehensive study to investigate how changes in abiotic factors affect the behavior and survival of a specific animal species. What research methods would you use?”

“What is by employing controlled experiments and field observations to measure variables such as temperature, water availability, and shelter options?”
