Important Details
Text Evidence
Inferences 2
Citing Evidence

If I were answering the question: "Is Kayla a good student?", which of the following would be an important detail: A. Kayla is 13 years old. B. Kayla goes to a Catholic school. C. Kayla enjoys reading, and often asks the teacher if she can do more for extra credit.

C. Kayla enjoys reading, and often asks the teacher if she can do more for extra credit.


Sally arrives at home at 4:30 and knows that her mother does not get off of work until 5. Sally also sees that the lights are off in their house. What can Sally infer?

Her mother is not home.


Bob went to see a football game with his dad. They had been looking forward to this game for months. Their favorite team was playing. Their team ended up losing. Bob was so upset. Based on the text, WHY was Bob upset?

His team lost.


Friday was our last day of school. My class spent the day at the playground and had a picnic. When the final bell rang, I ran out of the building and headed home. My mom had a popsicle waiting for me. How do I feel?

happy, excited


The original words and form of a written or printed work.



If I were answering the question: "Do you think Marissa will go to college?", which is an important detail? A. Marissa has always wanted to be a doctor, and she knows she needs a lot of education to become one. B. Marissa has 4 brothers and 1 sister. C. Marissa loves animals a lot, and she has 3 dogs.

A. Marissa has always wanted to be a doctor, and she knows she needs a lot of education to become one.


I arrived early for my appointment. The place was busy and smelled of chemicals. I found a place to sit and wait. The lady next to me had a towel around her head.  It was loud over the music that was playing. 

Where is the narrator? 

hair salon


Kate stared at the giant parking lot. She couldn't remember where she parked her car. This happened every time she went to the mall. Her mind began to race. "Where could it be?" she said, "I thought it would be right here." She sat down on the ground and began to frown. What details from the text tell you how she feels?

racing mind AND frown


Lawrence could not stop laughing. He knew it would probably get him in trouble, but it seemed like every time someone said something it was hilarious! How is Lawrence feeling?

silly, happy


In real life, people who can back up an ______ or idea with Explicit Textual Evidence are taken more seriously.



If I were answering the question: "Why does Mark want to visit Mexico?", which is an important detail? A. Mark is a sophomore in high school. B. Mark studied Mexico in school last month. C. Mark hears his mother talk about authentic Mexican food.

C. Mark hears his mother talk about Mexico.


On July 16, 1969, the Apollo 11 spacecraft launched from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Its mission was to go where no human being had gone before—the moon! The spacecraft landed on the moon in the Sea of Tranquility, a basaltic flood plain, on July 20, 1969. The moonwalk took place the following day. On July 21, 1969, at precisely 10:56 EDT, Commander Neil Armstrong emerged from the Lunar Module and took his famous first step onto the moon’s surface.  

How does the author feel about the text?



There are many unusual animals on Earth. For example, the dung beetle. Dung means manure or feces, and they get the name dung beetle because they live their whole life in dung. They live, lay eggs, and eat in dung. They also have this habit of rolling dung balls. There is also the fulmar bird. This animal resembles a seagull, and when it senses an attacker, it shoots projectile vomit up to five feet away. The vomit is disgusting and acidic.

What piece of evidence best supports the inference that there are many more animals with unique adaptations to survive?

a) There are many unusual animals.

b) is the most disgusting animal

c) They also have this habit of rolling dung balls.

d) this animal resembles a seagull

a) There are many unusual animals.


Rural communities are often called “the country”. There are fewer people, and there is more space, compared to cities. Rural areas usually only have a few shops or restaurants. Many don’t have museums or professional sporting events. Residents often need cars to get around, since there usually isn’t much public transportation. 

Why does the author bold rural communities?

to show that they are important terms for the whole passage/show the main idea


Name one of the three steps in Citing Textual Evidence

1)  State your idea

2)  Give the evidence

3)  Comment on the evidence


Which detail from below would best support the inference that eye bloodshot is a lizard's primary defensive strategy?

a) They have the ability to increase the blood pressure from their sinuses and let it explode

b) The blood does not contain poison

c) It has a foul taste to canine and feline predators

d) That sure is a good way to create chaos and confusion to an attacker

d) That sure is a good way to create chaos and confusion to an attacker


Businesses use LEGO bricks to help employees think creatively. But perhaps the most amazing thing about LEGO toys is the way the have seeped into our culture, allowing us to create mini-worlds of the books, movies, comics, and video games we love.

The reader can infer that Lego bricks:

a) will not always be popular

b) have many other uses

c) are only used by kids

d) can become more popular

b) have many other uses


Inference: Super Mario Bros is a difficult game to win.

What detail best supports the inference?

a) If Mario touches an enemy, he dies. If he falls down a hole or misses a jump, he will also lose a life.

b) The fire flower will give him the power to throw fireballs.

c) Some levels are underground and others are underwater.

d) At the end of the level is Bowser, who stands over a lava pit.

a) If Mario touches an enemy, he dies. If he falls down a hole or misses a jump, he will also lose a life.


Coral provides shelter, a place to hide, for little fish. That many small fish in one place attracts big fish, which in turn attracts sharks. Coral also provides food for a variety of creatures: for example, the sea turtle. The Hawksbill Sea Turtle, like most other kinds of sea turtles is endangered. Hunted for their meat and for their shells, their populations are declining.

The reader can infer that:

a) many types of ocean life rely on coral reef to survive

b) coral reef are mainly occupied by predators

c) sea turtles will not be able to survive without coral

d) a variety of ocean life is becoming endangered 

a) many types of ocean life rely on coral reef to survive


When you describe something that the text said without copying directly from the text.



Which detail suggests that social media cannot be regulated?

a) There are two sides when it comes to talking about the future effects that social media may have on kids.

b) Social networking provides an alternative way to get students interested in learning with a new and previously unconventional medium.

c) The vastness of social media ensures that there is no control over the level of information given.

d) Cyberbullying can have dangerous and potentially fatal effects.

c) The vastness of social media ensures that there is no control over the level of information given


Have you ever heard of "Eye bloodshot"? When a horned lizard senses or sees danger, he shoots a projectile of blood out of its eyes. They do this by increasing blood pressure in their sinuses and letting it explode. It can reach up to five feet. The blood does not contain poison but has a foul taste.

The reader can infer that a bloodshot is:

a) the best way to stop prey 

b) not easy to accomplish

c) their primary defensive strategy

d) a cool way to surprise other animals

c) their primary defensive strategy


Athletes feel the risk outweighs the reward of using steroids.

Which piece of evidence best supports the inference?

a) given the potential financial rewards of athletic success.

b) the cooperation of medical professional and shadowy labs are often involved.

c) not surprisingly, hard numbers on rates of usage are difficult to come by.

d) anecdotal evidence isn't lacking, and anonymous surveys have provided some insight

a) given the potential financial rewards of athletic success.


In a research study, they looked at the difference between video game players and non-players for aggressive behavior. To test the gamers' capacity for empathy and aggression, the researchers carried out psychological questionnaires. Then, while undergoing an MRI scan, the gamers were shown a series of images designed to provoke a range of emotional responses. As the images appeared, they were asked to imagine how they would feel in the situations shown. Using the MRI scanner, they compared responses and no difference was shown between the two groups.

Why did the author describe Dr. Gregor's research in detail?

a) to prove the study was objective

b) to explain why the results were neutral

c) to show why people like video games

d) to help connect video games to violence

a) to prove the study was objective

  • When you include a short part of the text that you copied exactly from the text 

Direct Quote



Alex shut the lid to his laptop with a loud clap. Some of the people sitting at the tables near him looked up from their books and gave him annoyed looks. Alex realized that he had disturbed them and held up his hand apologetically. The librarian turned toward him and shushed him loudly, perhaps louder than the noise that he had made. Alex put the laptop in his bag and began walking toward the door. He held his head down low.

What details tell you where Alex is?



Books, librarian, Quiet



Cassie rolled over in her bed as she felt the sunlight hit her face. The beams were warming the back of her neck when she slowly realized that it was a Thursday, and she felt a little too good for a Thursday. Struggling to open her eyes, she looked up at the clock. “9:48,” she shouted, “Holy cow!” Cassie jumped out of bed, threw on the first outfit that she grabbed, brushed her teeth in two swipes, threw her books into her backpack, and then ran out the door.

                                   Where is Cassie going?


To school


Every day after work Paul took his muddy boots off on the steps of the front porch.  Alice would have a fit if the boots made it so far as the welcome mat.  He then took off his dusty overalls and threw them into a plastic garbage bag; Alice left a new garbage bag tied to the porch railing for him every morning.  On his way in the house, he dropped the garbage bag off at the washing machine and went straight up the stairs to the shower as he was instructed.  He would eat dinner with her after he was "presentable," as Alice had often said. What kind of job does Paul have?  

A) a lawyer     B) a cook  C) construction worker       D) garbage man

C) Construction worker


Every day after work Paul took his muddy boots off on the steps of the front porch.  Alice would have a fit if the boots made it so far as the welcome mat.  He then took off his dusty overalls and threw them into a plastic garbage bag; Alice left a new garbage bag tied to the porch railing for him every morning.  On his way in the house, he dropped the garbage bag off at the washing machine and went straight up the stairs to the shower as he was instructed.  He would eat dinner with her after he was "presentable," as Alice had often said.  

What kind of person is Alice?

A) calm/care free  B) messy/sloppy  C) sad/angry       D) very clean and controlling

D)  very clean and controlling


Name one of the "SENTENCE STARTERS" that you are supposed to use when citing textual evidence.  

  • In the first paragraph, the author says…
  • The text states…
  • The text describes…     For example…
  • The author explains…
  • The author argues…     For instance…

The Amazon Rainforest is often referred to as the "lungs of the Earth" due to its vast capacity to produce oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide. It plays a crucial role in regulating the global climate and is home to an incredible diversity of flora and fauna. The rainforest's dense canopy also helps to maintain rainfall patterns and stabilize the local climate.

Question: What is one key role of the Amazon Rainforest mentioned in the passage?

A) It provides a significant amount of the world's fresh water.

B) It helps regulate the global climate by producing oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide.

C) It generates the majority of the world's agricultural crops.

D) It serves as a primary source of minerals and metals.

B) It helps regulate the global climate by producing oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide.


In the early 20th century, the rise of the automobile industry in the United States led to widespread economic and social changes. The quick increase of cars resulted in the expansion of road networks and suburban development. As more Americans embraced automobile ownership, the demand for gasoline and automobile maintenance grew significantly. Additionally, this era saw a marked increase in the need for infrastructure such as highways, bridges and gas stations.


Based on the passage, which of the following can be most reasonably inferred about the impact of automobile ownership on American society in the early 20th century?

A) The expansion of road networks was primarily driven by the increased demand for public transportation.

B) The automobile industry contributed to the growth of new economic sectors related to vehicle upkeep and fuel.

C) Suburban development during this time led to a decline in the construction of highways and service stations.

D) The rise in automobile ownership had no significant effect on the demand for gasoline.

B) The automobile industry contributed to the growth of new economic sectors related to vehicle upkeep and fuel.


In her exploration of the Arctic, Ellen carefully noted the changing patterns of ice over the years. She observed that the sea ice was retreating more rapidly than historical records had indicated. Her meticulous measurements and comparisons revealed a significant increase in the rate of ice loss, which she attributed to rising global temperatures. Ellen’s data, collected through multiple expeditions, provided critical evidence of climate change's impact on polar environments.


What does the passage suggest about Ellen’s observations?

A) Ellen found that sea ice levels were consistent with historical records.

B) Ellen’s data showed a decrease in global temperatures over time.

C) Ellen’s observations indicated that the sea ice was melting faster than previously recorded.

D) Ellen’s measurements proved that climate change had no effect on polar ice.

C) Ellen’s observations indicated that the sea ice was melting faster than previously recorded.


After studying various methods of saving energy, Mia implemented several changes in her home. She replaced old incandescent bulbs with energy-efficient LEDs, installed a programmable thermostat, and began using a rain barrel to collect water for her garden. Over the next few months, she noticed a significant reduction in her utility bills and a decrease in the amount of water she used. Mia's observations led her to conclude that her efforts were making a noticeable impact on her household's energy and water consumption.


What can be inferred about the effectiveness of Mia's energy saving efforts?

A) Mia’s utility bills increased because of her conservation efforts.

B) The use of a rain barrel had no effect on Mia’s water usage.

C) Mia’s changes likely resulted in a reduction in both energy and water consumption.

D) The energy-efficient LEDs were the only factor in reducing Mia’s utility bills.

C) Mia’s changes likely resulted in a reduction in both energy and water consumption.


In recent studies, scientists have observed that urban green spaces, such as parks and community gardens, contribute significantly to the well-being of city residents. Researchers found that these areas not only improve mental health by providing spaces for relaxation and social interaction but also help mitigate urban heat islands by cooling down the surrounding areas. Additionally, green spaces enhance biodiversity by providing habitats for various plant and animal species.


Which sentence from the passage best supports the claim that urban green spaces help reduce urban heat islands?

A) "Scientists have observed that urban green spaces contribute significantly to the well-being of city residents."

B) "Researchers found that these areas improve mental health by providing spaces for relaxation and social interaction."

C) "Green spaces enhance biodiversity by providing habitats for various plant and animal species."

D) "Researchers found that these areas help make less severe urban heat islands by cooling down the surrounding areas."

D) "Researchers found that these areas help make less severe urban heat islands by cooling down the surrounding areas."
