Text Features 1
Text Features 2
Text Features 3
Text Structure
Using Text Structure

A drawing used to emphasize an aspect of a text

What is Illustration?


The name of an article, book, or other literary work or document. 

What is Title?


A title or brief explanation added to an article, cartoon, illustration, photograph, or other graphic.

What is Caption?


Willow Creek is very different from New York City. There are no tall skyscrapers in Willow Creek. All you can see are fields and sky. Instead of taxicab horns and fire truck sirens, it is so quiet at night that you can hear the crickets chirping. The MAIN text structure used in this paragraph is . . .

What is compare and contrast?


The structure you would use to answer this prompt:

How can our city be made more bicycle and pedestrian-friendly?

What is problem and solution?


An alphabetized list of pertinent terms with corresponding definitions located at or near the end of a text. 

What is Glossary?


An outline of chapters or section titles and their corresponding pages in a larger text.

What is Table of Contents?


A visual depiction of information 

What is Chart?

The Olympic symbol consists of five interlocking rings. The rings represent the five continents- Africa, Asia, North America, Europe, and South America- from which athletes come to compete in the games. The rings are colored black, blue, green, red, and yellow. At least one of those colors is found in the flag of every country sending athletes to compete in the Olympic games.

What is description?


The structure you would use to answer this prompt:

Explain how your typical morning is in a paragraph.

What is sequence?


A picture taken with a camera that reflects actual objects, settings, or events, and is usually related to the topic of the text. 

What is Photograph/Picture?


A visual representation of data.

What is Graph?


The title of a section that introduces its topic. Divides a larger text into smaller, focused sections.

What are Headings?

The Olympic games began as athletic festivals to honor the Greek gods. The most important festival was held in the valley of Olympia to honor Zeus, the king of the gods. It was the festival that became the Olympic games in 776 B.C. These games were ended in 394 A.D. by the Roman emperor in Greece. No Olympic games were held for more than 1,500 years. Then the modern Olympics began is 1896. Almost 300 male athletes competed in the first modern Olympics. In the games held in 1900, female athletes were allowed to compete. The games have continued every four years since 1896, except during World War II and they will most likely continue for many years to come.

What is chronological?


The structure you would use to answer this prompt:

What is the impact of social media on the increasing popularity of plastic surgery and other enhancements?

What is Cause and Effect?

A note of reference, explanation, or comment printed at the bottom of a page.

What is Footnote?


A written note added to a text by a way or comment or explanation 

What is annotation?


Feature that lists important dates in chronological order.

What is Timeline?


Joey lost his science book. He knew he would be in big trouble if he was unable to study for the final. What should he do? He thought for a few worried moments, and then decided to retrace his steps. He remembered putting the book in his backpack that morning. He had taken it out at school when his friend Kim asked to look something up. Now he remembered - Kim still had his book! The MAIN text structure used in this paragraph is . . .

What is problem and solution?


The structure you would use to answer this prompt:

Explain why living in Wesley Chapel is better than other cities. 

What is Compare and Contrast?


A section or table containing additional content or information at the end of a text. 

What is Appendix?


An alphabetical list of names, subjects, etc., with references to the places where they occur, typically found at the end of a book.

What is Index?


Feature that help us learn where things are located in the world.

What is Map?


There are several reasons why so many people attend the Olympic games or watch them on television. One reason is tradition. The name Olympics and the torch and flame remind people of the ancient games. People can escape the ordinariness of daily life by attending or watching the Olympics. They like to identify with someone else’s individual sacrifice and accomplishment. National pride is another reason, and an athlete’s or a team’s hard earned victory becomes a nation’s victory. There are national medal counts and people keep track of how many medals their country’s athletes have won.

What is cause and effect?


The structure you would use to answer this prompt:

Write a paragraph explaining the characteristics of your favorite car. 

What is description?
