Signal Words
Passages- Easy

the author states a problem and lists one or more possible solutions


What is problem and solution?

first, next, then, before, after, finally, following, dates, and times
What is sequence?

Snappy the hermit needed a new home so she set out find one. At first, Snappy saw a shell that was too big. Next, she saw a shell that was too little. Then, Snappy saw a shell she thought was just right. Last, Snappy got into the shell and it fit! Snappy was glad to find a new home. 

The MAIN text structure used in this paragraph is....

What is sequence?


the author explains a topic, person, place, or thing by listing characteristics, examples, or features


What is description?

same as, similar, alike, as well as, also, both, instead of, on the other hand, different from, and as opposed to
What is compare and contrast?

Butterflies and bees have many things in common. They are both insects that live all over the world. Another similarity is that they  both have four wings. Their wings are very different though. Butterflies have brightly colored wings and a bee’s wings are transparent. Bees live in large groups called colonies. Butterflies do not. They often travel by themselves.

The MAIN text structure used in this paragraph is....

What is compare and contrast?


the author lists one or more causes and the resulting effects

What is cause and effect?

problem is, question is, puzzle is, to solve this, and one answer is
What is problem and solution?

The music was blasting so loud, Marco thought his ears would burst. The stage was filled with bright blue laser beams and a shower of yellow and green paper streamers. All around him, the crowd was singing and dancing wildly. The MAIN text structure used in this paragraph is . . .

What is description?


the author explains how two or more things are alike and how they are different


What is compare and contrast?

so, because, since, therefore, if/then, this led to, as a result, a reason why, may be due to, consequently, for this reason
What is cause and effect?

In most parts of the world there are not as many crocodiles as there used to be. This is a problem because crocodiles are becoming endangered and also crocodiles are necessary to the balance of nature. Many crocodiles have died because people dried up the swamps and marshes where crocodiles live. Poachers have also contributed to the dilemma as crocodiles have been desired for their strong, smooth, leathery skins. In order to preserve these mighty creatures, people must take care of the crocodiles' environment and help put a stop to the needless shooting of these animals. 

What is problem and solution?


      the author lists the items or events in chronological order; how to make or do something

What is sequence or order of events

for instance, such as, an example, an illustration, characteristics
What is description?

Ever since he was a teenager, Doc had wanted to be an astronaut. So he decided to build a spaceship using materials in his home lab. Because home labs don't have the same equipment as NASA does, doc used duct tape to fasten the parts together. As a consequence, his spaceship went off course and landed on his roof. 

What is cause and effect?
