Signal Words
Passages- Difficult
Passages- Easy
the author states a problem and lists one or more possible solutions
What is problem and solution?
tell how two or more things are alike
What is compare?
first, next, then, before, after, finally, following, dates, and times
What is sequence?
During severe droughts, when fire danger is high due to an unusual lack of rain, many places will order a fire ban. A fire ban prohibits anyone from lighting fires, especially campfires, because the danger of them igniting an entire forest or grassland is large. Bring ready-to-eat meals that only require water and not heat to prepare.
What is problem and solution?
To surprise her mother on her birthday, Samantha got up early and made coffee. First, she filled the pot with water. Then she cleaned and replaced the filter. Next, she got fresh coffee, measured just the right amount, and poured it into the filter. Finally, she pressed the "on" button and within seconds, the aroma of the fresh-brewed coffee filled the house. The MAIN text structure used in this paragraph is . . .
What is sequence?
the author explains a topic, person, place, or thing by listing characteristics, examples, or features
What is description?
a resolution or fix
What is solution?
same as, similar, alike, as well as, also, both, instead of, on the other hand, different from, and as opposed to
What is compare and contrast?
Sitting around a campfire is a classic summer camping tradition. Before you can tell scary stories, though, you will need to build your fire. Begin by gathering fire wood from around your camp. In addition to wood, you will need other tinder like pine needles, bark, or dead plants to help ignite the fire. Then, dig a small pit for your fire and build a ring of stone around it for maximum safety. Place your wood and tinder into the pit and start the fire using an ignition source such as a match. Once ignited, slightly blow on your flame to build heat. When you have a flame, use large pieces of firewood to build a teepee. Now sit back and relax in front of your roaring campfire!
What is sequence?
Willow Creek is very different from New York City. There are no tall skyscrapers in Willow Creek. All you can see are fields and sky. Instead of taxicab horns and fire truck sirens, it is so quiet at night that you can hear the crickets chirping. The MAIN text structure used in this paragraph is . . .
What is compare and contrast?
the author lists one or more causes and the resulting effects
What is cause and effect?
tell how two or more things are different
What is contrast?
problem is, question is, puzzle is, to solve this, and one answer is
What is problem and solution?
Before you head out the door for a camping trip, gather the appropriate supplies. If you are prepared for accidents, your camping trip will go off without a hitch. However, if you don’t have the right gear, your camping trip may end more quickly than you hoped. Sometimes weather moves in rapidly.
What is description?
The music was blasting so loud, Marco thought his ears would burst. The stage was filled with bright blue laser beams and a shower of yellow and green paper streamers. All around him, the crowd was singing and dancing wildly. The MAIN text structure used in this paragraph is . . .
What is description?
the author explains how two or more things are alike and how they are different
What is compare and contrast?
an action or event that makes something else happen
What is cause?
so, because, since, therefore, if/then, this led to, as a result, a reason why, may be due to, consequently, for this reason
What is cause and effect?
Are you the type of camper who enjoys the outdoors and wants to snooze under the stars with only the cover of a fabric tent? Or are you an indoor camper, who prefers the safety of a cabin and a roof over your head? You are sure to have a blast with both choices. If you choose to camp in a tent, be prepared to spend an hour or two setting up your temporary lodge. On the other hand, cabin-goers just need to open their front door and plop down their belongings.
What is compare and contrast?
Joey lost his science book. He knew he would be in big trouble if he was unable to study for the final. What should he do? He thought for a few worried moments, and then decided to retrace his steps. He remembered putting the book in his backpack that morning. He had taken it out at school when his friend Kim asked to look something up. Now he remembered - Kim still had his book! The MAIN text structure used in this paragraph is . . .
What is problem and solution?
the author lists the items or events in chronological order; how to make or do something
What is sequence?
what happens
What is an effect?
for instance, such as, an example, an illustration, characteristics
What is description?
If you are prepared for accidents, your camping trip will go off without a hitch. However, if you don’t have the right gear, your camping trip may end more quickly than you hoped. Sometimes weather moves in rapidly. Rain can dampen your plans, your clothes, and your sleeping bag if you didn’t pack a waterproof tarp to cover it with. If your gear is soaked, you’ll likely need to pack up and head home.
What is cause and effect
Every spring, shortly after the tulips bloom, farmers in Holland go through the tulip fields and cut the blooms off the tulips. This seems strange, because it leaves a field full of green stems. However, it makes the colorful tulip blooms grow back even bigger and stronger later that spring. The MAIN text structure used in this paragraph is . . .
What is cause and effect?