Find the Signal Words for Chronological Order
Find the Signal Words for Problem Solution
Compare and Contrast
Cause and Effect
Name that Structure!
After we went to the store we went home. Then we set up for the party. Finally, we cooked food and waited for the people to arrive.
What is after, then, finally
James practiced very hard for the baseball team. As a result, he made the cut to be on the team.
As a result
Give two comparisons between elementary students and middle school students.
Accept reasonable answers that tell how they are similar; NOT different.
Give the effect: Joey doesn't do his homework.
Joey will have to stay in for recess. He will get a poor grade.
The dog couldn't get his humongous bone through the doggie door. So instead, he just decided to chomp on it inside.
When I wake up in the morning, I brush my teeth and then wash my face. Next, I get dressed. After that I put makeup on and eat breakfast before I leave.
What is when, next, after, before
Megan's hair was a mess because it had gum in it. The only way to fix her hair was to cut the gum out.
Give two contrasts between elementary students and middle school students.
Accept reasonable answers that tell how they are different; NOT similar.
Give a possible cause for the following effect: The baseball player was met by his cheering team as he crossed home plate at the end of the game.
The baseball player hit a home run which ended the game.
Someone did not plug in one of the Chromebooks. Therefore, it wouldn't work the next day.
Cause and Effect
In 1977 I was born in op florida. I graduated high school in 1995 and then college in 1999. I began teaching in 2004.
What is 1977, 1995, then, 1999, 2004
The astronauts of Apollo 13 were in grave danger. They knew the only way to resolve their problem was to remain calm.
Resolve their problem
Compare and contrast a bird and a butterfly.
Accept reasonable answers. For example: Compare: They both fly. Contrast: A bird has feathers and a butterfly does not.
List the cause and the effect of this sentence: Because the dog chewed up his owner's shoes, the dog had to stay in his kennel.
Cause: The dog chewed up his owner's shoes. Effect: The dog had to stay in his kennel.
Jimmy and Zach liked anything to do with football. However, they had totally different tastes when it came to what kind of music they liked.
Compare and Contrast
If your car overheats while driving, first pull over to the side of the road. Once you are parked, open the hood. When the car cools off, you may drive again.
What is 1st, once, when
The solution to the math question just popped into my head!
In a Venn diagram, what does the center part that overlaps tell you about the two items?
The center part of a Venn diagram tells how the two items are similar.
List the cause and the effect of this sentence: The zebra had to flee for his life because the lion was chasing after him.
Cause: The lion was chasing the zebra. Effect: The zebra had to flee for his life.
Our first subject in the morning is Math. After that, we go to Specials. Next, we usually do Writing. Then, everybody's favorite time of the day, lunch and recess. Once we come back from recess, we do DLI, Vocabulary, Spelling, and Reading. Finally, we finish off our day with Social Studies.
Chronological; Chronology; Sequence
Anne was born in 1915. Shortly after, her family moved to France where they began feeding poor families. She began school on 1920 and graduated at the age of 16. After graduating, she married her husband in 1933. Once her children were grown, she started a charity foundation in 1955.
What is 1915, after, 1920, after, 1933, once, 1955
The issue was that nobody was listening to Sam. So she just kept her opinions to herself.
Compare and contrast two students in your group.
Accept reasonable answers that explain how two students are similar and different.
List the cause and the effect of the following sentence: A tornado blew the roof off the house, and as a result, the family had to find another place to live.
Cause: A tornado blew the roof off the house. Effect: The family had to find another place to live.
The beautiful white tiger was taking a long nap in the jungle. It was such a tranquil spot for a midday siesta. The brook nearby was babbling. Birds were chirping quietly. The grass felt so cozy on the tiger's fur. What a perfect day!