Signal Words
Graphic Organizer
Summary Questions
100 a result...since...may be due to...
What signal words are used in Cause & Effect text structure?

bubble map or web map

What is the graph organizer for the text structure Description?

The author explains a topic, idea, person, place, or thing by listing characteristics, features and examples.
What is Description text sequence?
The platypus lives in warm Australia, but the polar bear lives in the cold Arctic regions.
What is Compare & Contrast text structure?
What are the most important attributes or characteristics? How is the topic described? What does it look like? What does it do?
What questions fit the Description text sequence?
a solution...solve...the problem answer is...
What signal words are used in Problem & Solution text structures?

Venn Diagram

What are possible organizers for the text structure Compare & Contrast?

The author explains how two or more things are alike and/or how they are different.
What is Compare and Contrast?
Our community pool was closed this summer due to a crack in the shallow end. Children at the Elementary School have sponsored a mile run to earn money toward the pool repairs.
What is Problem & Solution text structure?
What items are being compared? What traits do they have in common? In what ways are these items different?
What questions fit the Compare & Contrast text structure?
different...instead of...on the contrary...similar to...alike...however
What signal words are used in the text structure Comparison & Contrast?

Graphic organizers help determine text structure by visually organizing information, making it easier to identify patterns in how ideas are presented.

How do graphic organizer help you determine the text structure?

The author lists one or more causes or events and the resulting consequences or effects.
What is Cause & Effect text sequence?
The earthquake that hit our community this summer cracked the pool at the park. That resulted in the closing of the pool which disappointed many of our town's families. Since the repairs are expensive, the town council has asked for ideas to raise money. Everyone is coming up with creative ideas.
What is Cause and Effect text structure?
What happened? Why did it happen? What was the reason for...? What were the results caused by the event? In what ways did the prior events cause the main event?
What questions fit the Cause & Effect text structure?
not long the same
What signal words are found in the text structure Chronological / Sequence?
A timeline
What Chronological text sequence organizer gives dates and/or events from earliest to latest?
The author states a problem and lists one or more possible solutions to the problem.
What is Problem & Solution text structure?
Here is how a pizza is made. First, make the dough and spread it out in a flat, circular shape. Next, spread delicious tomato sauce on the dough. Then, sprinkle your favorite cheese on top. Finally, add veggies, pepperoni, or other toppings. If you feel adventurous, place anchovies to finish it off. Pop it in the oven. Enjoy your treat!
What is Chronological / Sequence text structure?
What are the major events that occurred? What is the beginning event? What are the steps, directions or procedures to follow? What must be done first, second, etc.?
What questions fit the Sequence text structure?
also...beside...for instance...does...for addition...such as...characteristics are...
What signal words are found in the Description text structure?

Triangle labeled  with an arrow to a box labeled 

What organizer could be used for the Problem / Solution text structure?

The author lists items or events in numerical order or chronological order.
What is the Chronological / Sequence text structure?
A record is a music storage device made of vinyl with grooves in which a needle runs. Usually black, they measure 12" in diameter. Even though it is an obsolete technology, they are still being made and are popular with collectors. The most valuable record in the world is Double Fantasy by Lennon & Ono. It was sold for $525,000.
What is the Description text structure?
What is the problem? Who had the problem? What is causing the problem? What is wrong and how can it be taken care of? What solutions are recommended?
What questions fit the Problem & Solution text structure?