Text structure 1
text structure 2
Identify the type of meaning for the words used
RACE Paragraph
author explains a topic, person, thing, or idea; uses examples, and list characteristics
What is description?
authors states a problem and why it is a problem and gives possible ways to fix the problem
What is problem/solution?
500 people die each year from heart disease in the city of New York.
What is to inform?

My backpack weighs a ton!

What is figurative?


What does the R stand for in RACE? 

What is Restate the question?


Describes the order of events or how to do or make something; related to time

What is sequence/chronological?

greatest, on the other hand, not only, but also, both, however
What are COMPARE/CONTRAST signal words?

I think Lonnie is the worst basketball ever!

What is to persuade?


There's no place like home.

What is connotative?


Smoking is very injurious to health. It is harmful both to a smoker and his companion. It affects the lungs and causes serious diseases. One of the chief causes of ailment is smoking. It pollutes the environment too. The government should take steps to fine people smoking in public places. 

How is smoking harmful? Use the R in RACE

What is Smoking is harmful because...

5 types of text structures
What is problem/solution, cause/effect, sequence, description, compare/contrast?

Helps you to understand what you are reading and how it is organized

What is the importance of text structure?

This is my rock And here I run To steal the secret of the sun
What is to entertain?

A nucleus, as related to genomics, is the membrane-enclosed organelle within a cell that contains the chromosomes. 

What is technical?


What does each part of RACE stand for?

What is Restate the question, Answer the question, Cite evidence, and Explain your answer?

first, on September 12, in the end, meanwhile, at 1:00, following
What are SEQUENCE signal words?
the authors tells us what happens and why, how or what made it happen
What is cause/effect?
Opinions, buy this now, You should agree, The best..., I think
What is to persuade?

What is figurative?


Martin Luther King Jr. was a prominent leader in the American Civil Rights Movement. He advocated for nonviolent protests and equality for African Americans, delivering his famous "I Have a Dream" speech during the March on Washington in 1963. King's efforts and leadership played a pivotal role in advancing civil rights and promoting racial equality in the United States.

How did Martin Luther King Jr. contribute to the Civil Rights Movement? R + A

What is Martin Luther King Jr. contributed to the Civil Rights Movement by advocating for equality for African Americans?

Over 3 million people become homeless every year in our country. 1.3 million of those people are children. The National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty is one of several groups that suggest realistic solutions to this problem. First on nearly every list is the need to make affordable housing more available. A second goal is making sure that those who work minimum wage jobs earn enough to actually pay rent and buy food. Another goal is that job training programs be funded and available to those who need to climb out of homelessness.
What is problem/solution?
Microwaving is the worst way to cook foods because microwaves excite the water molecules inside whatever you're cooking, causing heat to be formed from the inside out. This results in a cell-by-cell "nuking" of the food, causing the near-total molecular decomposition of vitamins.
What is cause/effect?
stories, poetry, scripts/plays
What is to entertain?

True! nervous, very, very dreadfully nervous I had been and am; but why will you say that I am mad? The disease had sharpened my senses, not destroyed, not dulled them. Above all was the sense of hearing acute. I heard all things in the heaven and in the earth. I heard many things in hell. How then am I mad? Hearken! and observe how healthily, how calmly, I can tell you the whole story.

What is connotative?


Helen Keller overcame incredible challenges to become a renowned author, lecturer, and advocate for the rights of people with disabilities. Despite being both blind and deaf, Keller learned to communicate through sign language and braille. Her determination and resilience inspired many and helped change perceptions about individuals with disabilities. 

How did Helen Keller overcome her disabilities? R + A

What is Helen Keller overcame her disabilities by learning to communicate through sign language and braille?
