Purpose & Perspective
An author's purpose can be one of four categories. What are those four categories?
To inform, to persuade, to entertain, to express thoughts or feelings.
What is a pattern of organization?
Pattern of organization is how a writer arranges ideas and information. Examples: chronological order, classification, cause and effect, compare and contrast, etc.
What are text features?
Titles, subheadings, and graphic aids.
BLANK is words and phrases that re-create sensory experiences.
What is imagery.
BLANK is a verb form (verbal) that acts as an adjective. It modifies a noun or a pronoun.
What is a participle?
What is an author's purpose?
A writer's reason for crafting a particular work. Usually falls into one of four categories.
What is a cause-and-effect organization pattern?
It establishes relationships between events, ideas, or trends. A writer might use this pattern to help readers understand a scientific phenomenon or to explain how one historical event brought about another. Signal words: because, as a result, consequently, since.
What does the title tell us?
The title reveals the subject of the article.
BLANK is reading between the lines, in order to enrich your understanding. You utilize your experiences, your background knowledge, and what the text says.
What is making inferences?
A BLANK consists of a participle plus its modifiers and complements.
What is a participle phrase?
What is an author's perspective?
The unique combination of ideas, values, and beliefs that influences the way a writer looks at a topic.
What is a compare-and-contrast organization pattern?
Things or ideas are discussed in terms of how they are similar to and different from each other (examples: a consumer report on different brands of a product, a review of two books by the same author or on the same topic).
What does the subheadings tell us?
The subheadings reflect the controlling, or main, ideas of the sections.
This is the point of a paragraph. It is what is being said about the person, thing, idea, or topic.
What is a main idea?
Which phrase is the participial phrase: Our old selves do not die as we go through exciting and challenging changes, either.
exciting and challenging
What does the organization pattern main idea and supporting details do?
It presents insights on a topic (inform) or makes a logical argument (persuade).
What is a chronological order organization pattern?
Events are presented in order of time sequence (examples: historical account, memoir, news report, instructions).
What does a graphic aid tell us?
A graphic aid helps readers understand a process or further illustrates the point in greater detail.
BLANK comes after the topic sentence and makes up the body of the paragraph. They give details to develop and support the main idea of the paragraph.
What is supporting details?
A BLANK tells where, why, how, when, or to what degree something was done.
What is an adverb clause?
BLANK refers to the believability and trustworthiness of both the source and the report itself.
What is credibility.
What is a classification organization pattern?
Things or ideas are grouped with others that share common characteristics (geographic description grouped by land forms, climate conditions, or vegetation; surveyed grouped by types, such as dogs or musical instruments).
What are signal words?
Signal words tell you what pattern of organization is being used. For example you know it's written in the compare-and-contrast organization pattern if you see the signal words similarly, also, like, in contrast, while, but, or unlike.
The BLANK is the form certain verbs take to indicate whether the subject of the verb performs or receives the action. It can be active or passive.
What is voice? Bonus: The verb is in active voice when the subject of the verb performs the action. When the subject of the verb receives the action, the verb is in the passive voice.
What part of this sentence is the adverb clause? All the body changes-the charring, the muscle contractions, the bone fractures- happened after they were dead.
after they were dead