Not only is this card's name almost entirely a rip-off of one of the most iconic Magic: The Gathering cards of all time, but it's effect is also basically the same.
Bolt of Lightning
Orbital Command
One of Naga's more infamous brews used this quote from the Bee Movie as its name
Ya Like Jazz?
This stratagem was cut after Legendary used it to invade a certain restaurant chain...
Invasion of Cybertron
More Guns
The subname on this character references a Styx song
Bug Bite
Daily Double: This card almost became the best target for Solo Job, but Scorp prevented that from happening after Harmony: Waste|Lands 2
Shard of the Divine Light
Vangelus used this deck to propel his global ranking from 37th to 11th - And then went on a Top 4 run in Encounter 1, solidifying the deck's power
Opportune Amalgamation
This battle card was removed from beta testing after it was deemed to be a "misguided" counter to a specific secret action
Wheel Balance
Queen of the Junkyard
A certain cartoon cat would love this upgrade. Assuming it was, you know... actually edible as its slang name might imply
Lagartan Spaulders
Prior to Naga breaking this card with Shockwave, it was possible to use this rolling action in a combo to infinitely loop Secret Actions
Extended Duration Mission
It was expected that Devastator would be nerfed after the Omega Invitational, so Hawk named his OI Devy deck as this Shakespeare quote
Once More Unto the Breach
Daily Double: Legendary tried to use the 2023 Community Survey to revive this Stratagem, but Hawk quickly shut that down.
Hawk and Tank referred to this character by a misspelling of his name - Until they looked up the word on Urban Dictionary, and decided that maybe they shouldn't...
This stratagem once had a completely different name, but after its effect was swapped with the character it targeted, it was changed to its current name
Alphastrike Counterforce
Hawk may have misremembered where Vangelus used Dirge during the last video, but he sure as hell ain't forgetting the name of the deck in question
Stratty Boom Doom
This action ended up getting cut as a result of several rules debates around other cards that functioned similarly to the card in question
Functionist Rigidity
Silent Hunter
This card holds the record for the longest card name that isn't on a character - With a whopping 46 characters, including spaces
I Don't Break Rules, I Just Bend Them - A Lot
Among other things, this stratagem gave +1 Defense to its target. At least until Hawk and Tank complained enough about it.
It's one of the longest deck names we've seen, but it's straight to the point. Makes sense when the centerpiece of this deck used Tank and Hawk's least favorite combiner
When in Doubt, Cast "Invoke Trauma" on Hawk and/or Tank
While Gators sort of got their own upgrade in the form of an armor, they were originally scheduled to get this utility that only worked for them - a card that would give Erratic Energy Grenade a run for its money
Swamp Gas Bladder