Identify the appositive in the following sentence:
Brett Favre set many records, records that would later be broken by other quarterbacks.
What is a records that would later be broken by other quarterbacks.
Identify the independent clause in the sentence below:
Before the Thanksgiving break, Mr. Behm hopes to have eight chapters of The Giver completed.
Mr. Behm hopes to have eight chapters of The Giver completed
Which word is incorrectly capitalized in the sentence below:
The Military masterminded of the Confederate Army, Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox.
What is military
Identify the incorrect comma usage in the sentence below:
After a holiday filled with turkey, mashed potatoes, and desserts many people have to go on diets.
What is after the word desserts
The tallest mountain in the world.
What is Mt. Everest?
True or false: the sentence below is punctuated correctly.
Chris Christie-New Jersey's embattled governor-is trying to gain ground in the Republican Presidential race.
Identify the dependent clause in the sentence below:
Despite the panic after the Paris attacks, President Obama insisted his strategy to fight ISIS was sound.
Despite the panic after the Paris attacks
Earth's path around the sun is called this.
What is an orbit?
Identify the incorrect comma usage in the sentence below:
The TGA, the nickname for trimester grammar assessment will be given this Friday.
What is the comma missing after assessment
The tallest living thing in the world (you can see one in the state of Washington).
What is a giant redwood tree?
This is another name for the season of fall.
What is autumn?
What type of sentence is this below:
After weighing his options, Derek decided to ask his parents for a weekend trip with friends for his graduation gift.
What is complex
The colored part of a human's eye is called this.
What is an iris?
Identify the incorrect comma usage in the sentence below:
Mr. Behm, unfortunately did not get the height gene from his father.
What is the missing comma after unfortunately
The largest continent (not country).
What is Asia?
This bird is known for its beautiful tail.
What is a peacock?
What type of sentence is this below:
The doctor prescribed an antibiotic, and Tony was feeling better in no time.
What is compound
This would be caused if the earth's crust moves suddenly along a fault.
What is an earthquake?
Correct or incorrect:
Students, teachers, and parents, show up in droves to see Haven Help Us.
What is incorrect
The world's largest snake.
What is an anaconda?
The art of Japanese paper folding is called this.
What is origami?
What type of sentence is this below:
Although Sara liked to go camping, he hadn't had the time to go lately, and he hadn't found anyone to go with.
What is compound-complex
These types of animals eat only plants.
What are herbivores?
Identify the incorrect comma usage in the sentence below:
Jennifer, make sure that your reading record, is turned in by Thursday.