Rx, OTC, and Street Drugs

Which has more alcohol per serving: a can of beer, a glass of wine, or a shot of alcohol?

They are all the same


What is the name of the highly addictive chemical found in all tobacco products?



What is the name of the active chemical in the marijuana plant that causes harm to the brain and body?

Tetrahydrocannabinol or THC


True or False? It is OK to share a prescription medication with someone as long as they are the same age and weight as you, and you have the same medication as them.



Name three (3) of the Peer Pressure refusal strategies

say no, walk away, better idea, broken record, make an excuse, reverse the pressure, steer clear, ignore, state the facts


What part of the body is MOST impacted by underage drinking?

The Brain


These tobacco products are the leading contributors to cancers of the mouth and throat. What are they?

Dip and Chew OR smokeless tobacco


After smoking marijuana, Edward couldn’t think straight. He felt like his head was in a fog and he couldn’t remember what he wanted to tell his friend. What function of his brain has been affected?

Short-term memory

Name one reason why some teens might think that abusing prescription or over the counter drugs would be a safe way to get high?

Because these drugs are made in a licensed laboratory and sold in pharmacies; medicines help people get better; prescribed by doctors, etc.


Morgan started playing a video game when he was supposed to be writing an essay for the Creative Writing Club. He didn’t complete the essay on time and lost the contest. What type of obstacle kept Morgan from reaching his goal? Internal or External?



Alcohol is classified as which kind of drug? A stimulant or a depressant?

A Depressant


These devices are often marketed as a “safer alternative” to smoking. However these devices contain the highly addictive chemical, nicotine. Many are manufactured to look like cigarettes, cigars, or pipes. Some even resemble pens, highlighters, or other everyday items.

Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems


Raquel thought that marijuana helps people concentrate and perform better in school. She also thought that, because marijuana is natural, it must be safe. Raquel’s beliefs about marijuana are based on what?


(*BONUS*) (100 pts)

Your friend is a little older than you as a sophomore, and has a car. They offered to drive you to the local gas station after school. Their eyes are a little red, and they seem to can't stop talking-when they do, they're laughing at things that aren't even funny. They also keep missing the turn, so this is taking a lot longer than you thought it would. What do we do? 


Prescription stimulants, when misused, produce similar effects of which street drug? Heroine, Methamphetamine, or Cocaine.



Jeanine had been addicted to nicotine for a long time, but she’s finally decided to quit. For a few weeks after she stopped smoking, Jeanine felt shaky and irritable, had trouble concentrating, and couldn’t get a good night’s sleep. What caused these symptoms?



High school teammates Marcus and Mike were at a party where alcohol was being served. Mike was tempted to drink, but Marcus talked him out of it. Marcus warned Mike that drinking would ruin his performance at tomorrow’s football game.

As a result of practicing hard and making the healthy decision to not drink, they both made touchdowns at the game. What illegal and unhealthy behavior did they avoid?

Underage Drinking


Jillian Noticed that the actors in the movie she was watching were using different kinds of brand- name tobacco products. She remembered this marketing tactic could be even more appealing and persuasive than billboards, magazine ads, or TV commercials. What is the name of this marketing tactic?

Product Placement


What is the difference between being psychologically addicted and physically addicted to marijuana?

A psychologically addicted marijuana user mentally and emotionally feels like they need to be “high.” A physically addicted marijuana user has developed a chemical dependency to the drug and will experience withdrawal symptoms when trying to quit.


Define the term “street drugs”

Drugs that are not recognized for medical use, not made in a licensed laboratory, and illegal to possess, use, and distribute


When Marsha saw her friend Ramona crying, she put her arm around her and asked what was making her sad. Marsha could relate to Ramona’s problem and was able to put herself in Ramona’s place. Marsha could understand and connect with her friend’s feelings. What did Marsha demonstrate toward Ramona?



Abigail expected alcohol to help her seem more likable. Instead, she ended up kissing her best friend’s date whom she secretly had a crush on. What consequence of alcohol use did she experience?

Loss of judgement and social control


Explain how nicotine causes wrinkles.

Blood vessels in the skin are narrowed by nicotine, restricting blood flow. This decreases the amount of oxygen and nutrients delivered to the skin, causing premature wrinkles.


Explain how marijuana affects motivation and give an example.

People who use marijuana experience a lack of motivation (amotivational syndrome) causing them not to care or try hard. They often drop out of extracurricular activities and their grades fall.


Wendell overused an over the counter drug, and Veronica took a prescription pill that was not prescribed to her. These are both examples of what?

Drug Abuse


Alice and Serena are best friends. Serena appreciates that she can tell Alice anything. Whenever Serena has a problem to discuss, Alice nods her head, looks her in the eye and asks clarifying questions. What communication skill does Alice use to understand and support Serena?

Hint: two words

Active Listening
