Bible Locations
Bible Heroes
That Tune

This garden is the very first recorded in the Bible! (Which garden?)

What is Eden?


He almost didn’t marry his bride, thinking she must have committed adultery instead of believing she had gotten pregnant via the Holy Spirit.

Who was Joseph?


This double-crossing woman in Judges 16 cost Samson his strength. She duped him into telling her that he’d be rendered powerless if his hair were ever cut.

Who was Delilah?


Jesus calmed a storm at sea by saying only these three words in Mark 4:39.

What is “Peace be still?”


This song has a friend encouraging you to fight a little longer, because it's all worth it in the end.

What is I'll Find You?


This water parted to let every last Hebrew through in Exodus 14; yet it devoured every Egyptian soldier that pursued them. (Which body of water?)

 What is the Red Sea?


This man was the second king of Israel, but is probably best known for slaying a Philistine solider with only a three stones and something akin to a slingshot in 1 Samuel 17.

Who was David?


Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednigo, in Daniel 3, make a believer out of this King of Babylon after surviving the heat of the fiery furnaces.

Who is Nebuchadnezzar?


After hearing the people complain bitterly, Moses used his staff to tap on a rock, in Numbers 20, and bring forth this item that was requested from the people.

What is water?


In this song this day is it not a good day for satan to try you.

What is Not Today Satan?


This city was prophesied in Micah 5:2 to be the birthplace of the Messiah, and Micah turned out to be correct. (Which city?)

What is Bethlehem?


This famous servant of Christ’s was transformed from a murderer of early Christians to a writer of multiple books in the New Testament

Who is the Apostle Paul?


He had an open door to the enemy, and gave Jesus up to be crucified.

Who is Judas?


A mighty wind roared around the disciples and they began to speak in other languages on this particular day recorded in Acts 2.

What is the Day of Pentecost?


This song encourages you to believe that you're something special, and to go stronger harder to be who you're supposed to be.

What is Unstoppable?


John the Baptist did his work in this body of water, according to John 1:28, where Jesus appeared two days in a row. (Which body of water?)

What is the Jordan River?


This Old Testament prophet was taken by God up to heaven instead of dying. And, centuries later, He appeared with Moses and Jesus at the Transformation.

Who is Elijah?


This woman in The Revelation shares the name of the evil, idolatrous wife of King Ahab during the days of Elijah. Revelation 2 has her leading the church of Thyatira into sin.

Who is Jezebel?


According to Luke 8, Jesus raised Jairus’ 12-year-old daughter from the dead and told her parents to give her some of this.

What is food?


This song describes how you never knew you could be so happy, and secure because of God's love.

What is Brighter Day by Kirk Franklin?


In the days of Christ, no one could foresee the fall of this great empire that ran the goings on as far away as Jerusalem. (Which empire?)

What is Rome?


This minor prophet is best known for predicting that Christ’s arrival would be preceded by a second arrival of the prophet Elijah. He also wrote the last book in the Old Testament.

Who is Malachi?


Mentioned in the Bible only once, in Isaiah 14, this well-known master demon is said to have fallen out of heaven.

Who is Lucifer?


In Mark 8, Jesus healed one blind man by packing mud and spit on his eyes. When the man began to see, he told Jesus that people looked like these items in nature.

What are trees?


This song encourages you to rejoice during the good days, bad days, hills to climb, weary days, and sleepless nights, because God has been good.

What is I Won't Complain by Rev. Paul Jones?
