what language do they speak in thailand
where is thailand located
southeast asia
what is the national animal of thailand
what are the colors of the flag
red white blue
what is the most popular city in thailand
hat yai
what type of money do they use in thailand
what is the population of thailand
67 million
what work do people do in thailand
farming and tourism
what is the name of the traditional thai dance
What is a traditional meal in Thailand
Gaeng karigai
how do you meet and greet an female in thailand
sawadee ka
what is the weather like in thailand
how do you respectfully greet someone in thailand
join the palms of your hand and bow down
what is the name of the game that they played in the gym of thailand
cat and mouse
what is the name of the current prime minister
Samoachai wongsawat
what is the capital of thailand
name to countries that border thailand
laos and cambodia
what is the second popular animal in thailand
A tiger
when does rainy season take place in thailand
what is Thailand government
what does the word thailand mean
land of the free
how do you greet a male in thailand
sawadee krup
what is the national sport of thailand
muay thai
what does woman wear in thailand
traditional skirt-sin
what is the main treat in thailand
a grasshopper