Obedience is...
Following a rule, request, or law from a higher authority; going against temptation
Virtue of gentleness
1 of the fruits of the Holy Spirit
A way to let go of a grudge/anger to another
Fill in the blank
Allows us to live a _____ and ____ life and to be _____ with what we have
True or false
The want to go against obedience stemmed from desire
Fill in the blank
Acts of _____ towards others
Steering away from bad ____ and/or being too _____
Being ____ & _____
Listening to others
2 parties
The one who forgives & The one of asks for forgiveness
When living modestly, you’re able to focus more on building your relationship with God, family, and friends
Avoiding temptation
Pray about it to God, talk to someone, etc.
Everyday life
Acts of service
Kind words
Why forgive
God taught us to forgive not once, but many times
God forgave us for our sins
Resist the temptations of fashion and the worshiping of idols
Not having to keep up with the latest trends
Being humble and grateful for what we have
Keeping secrets to yourself/not breaking promises
Becoming obedient: T or F
Listen to your parents
Follow 10 commandments
Read the Bible
Catholic Church’s teachings
Love one another as Jesus loved the Church (ex. Family & Friends)
Don’t get mad at others when they upset you
Forgive those who have upset you and let it go
Practice gentleness with your family, friends, and anyone else you may meet (even your enemies)
Why pray???
It draws us closer to God and improves our relationship with Him
You told your friend a secret about how your cat died. The next day, you see your best friend telling the whole class about how your cat died. This made you feel upset. How do you confront this friend and show them how to be more modest?
Abraham & Isaac
12 fruits of the Holy Spirit
Charity, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Generosity, Gentleness, Faithfulness, Modesty, Self-Control, Chastity
5 forms of prayer
Blessing: calling God’s power to care for a person, place, or thing
Petition: asking God to fulfill a need
Intercession: praying to a deity on behalf of others
Thanksgiving: letting God know how grateful we are and what He has done for us/given us.
Praise: proclaiming that He is our God; for Him taking away our sins and loving us
How can you keep yourself and others accountable in being modest Catholics?