What ethnicities is Mr. Adam? ( Hint. Half / Half )
Puerto Rican and Vietnamese
What meat is most commonly eaten during Thanksgiving?
How many letters in the alphabet?
What character quality means to have strength during difficult or challenging times?
What is Elevate's favorite character quality?
What year is Ms. Kendra's Honda Ridgeline?
What day of the week is Thanksgiving always on?
How many planets are there in our solar system?
_____ is when you have a plan or a goal for your future.
What Elementary school will we be teaching at for Teach Back?
Washington School
How many TM's have kids?
How many turkeys are consumed each year on Thanksgiving?
(hint. think BIG!!!!!)
Closest answer gets the points or split
46 million turkeys
What country did the first starbucks open outside of the US?
Give 2 ways you can show positive work ethic in your life
What day is the Elevate Certification Celebration?
( Date )
Friday, December 1
How many siblings does Ms. Kendra Have?
2 brothers
Why do we eat turkey on Thanksgiving?
That was the type of meat that was most common during that time
What does SPF in sunscreen stand for?
Sun Protection Factor
_____ is doing the right things even when no one is looking.
______ is the summer camp Elevate offers during the summer for elementary-aged kids where we teach them about character qualities, play adventure games, and participate in arts and crafts.
Summer Blast
Who are the 3 new Elevate Teacher Mentors?
(If you get 2/3 , you will get full points )
Ms. Stephanie, Ms. Hannah, Mr. Jordan
Which president made Thanksgiving a national holiday?
Abraham Lincoln
How many bones are in the human body?
What does S.M.A.R.T goals stand for?
Specific , Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely
What is Elevate's Slogan?
( hint. it is 5 words )
No One Gets There Alone