Thanksgiving Vocab
Thanksgiving Verbs
Last Week

(Dora) What are 5 different flavors/tastes?

Sweet, sour, salty, spicy, bitter...

Which flavor is your least favorite?


(James) The kitchen is very dirty. What should you do?

You should clean up the kitchen!

How can you clean the kitchen?


(James) Eric failed his exam because he did not study. Now, he said he will turn over a new leaf. 

What will Eric do?

Eric will change and try something new, like studying more. 

To turn over a new leaf means to change your actions.
Bonus 50 points: Use turn over a new leaf in a sentence.


(Dora) What time do Americans eat their Thanksgiving meal? Do they eat in the morning, afternoon, or evening?

Many Americans have Thanksgiving dinner (what time of day is this?)

Other Americans have a Thanksgiving lunch


(James) What is the word for the dessert that Americans love to eat on Thanksgiving?


Bonus 50 points: What kinds of pie are most popular for Thanksgiving?


(Dora) This piece of meat is very big. I must ____ this piece of meat so it is smaller.

I must cut this piece of meat!

What do you use to cut - a spoon, fork, or knife?


(Dora) What are the 4 seasons?

Winter, spring, summer, and fall/autumn!


(James) What do you think is the weirdest part of Thanksgiving? Why?

Hint: Weird describes something that seems strange. 

The weirdest part of Thanksgiving is...because...


(Dora) What things do you need to use to eat?

For example: You drink water from a cup. You eat soup from a ____, and you use a _____...

You eat soup from a bowl, and you use a spoon...
You can also use a fork, a knife, a plate...


(Dora) If your food is very cold, what should you do?

Warm up the food!

Bonus 50 points: What is the opposite of warm up?


(James) What is the best season to visit China? Why?

The best season to visit China is _____, because...


(Dora and James) Do you want to celebrate Thanksgiving? Why or why not?

I want to celebrate Thanksgiving, because...

I do not want to celebrate Thanksgiving, because...


(James) What does the word thankful mean?

Thankful means that you are happy to have something. For example, you may be thankful for your friends and your family - you are happy to know them.


(James) How would you cook a turkey? Use a cooking verb to tell me.

You could roast a turkey.
You could fry a turkey.
You could boil a turkey, but usually Americans don't do this.


(Dora) What verb means to get bigger over time?

To grow!

Bonus 50 points: Use grow in a sentence.


(Dora and James) What Thanksgiving food do you want to try? Why?

I want to try ____, because...

I want to try turkey, because it looks good/because I have never eaten turkey/because it looks interesting...


(Dora and James) List as many Thanksgiving foods as you can think of! You have 1 minute...the timer starts now!

Turkey, corn, peas, potato, squash, pumpkin, onions, green beans, cranberry, gravy, stuffing, pie...


For this question, Dora answers first. Then, James will answer.

Dora: You use your teeth to do this with food.


James: What is the opposite of chew?


(Dora and James) Do you prefer hot weather, or cold weather? Why?

I prefer hot weather, because...

I prefer cold weather, because...


(Dora and James) What are you thankful for? Why?

Hint: Thankful means that you are happy to have something.

I am thankful for ... because...

I am thankful for my family, because I love them.
I am thankful for my friends, because they are nice.
