Alma 34:38, live in ___________ for the many mercies and blessings which he doth bestow upon you.
what is the red thing that hangs off the beak called
what is snood/wattle
This is the rock where they landed
What is Plymouth
Something wooden but with lots of leaves of thankfulness
Make a thankful tree
the number one food on thanksgiving
what is turkey
D&C 59: 15-21 Do these things with thanksgiving and a _______________
What is a cheerful heart
what are the other ingredients of a turkey club sandwich (at least 3).
what is bacon lettuce tomato mayo
No laces on these shoes
This horse is running but he has a gobble gobble sound.
What is a turkey trot
This pie is round and orange
what is pumpkin pie
D&C 136:28 If thou ar merry, praise the Lord with singing, with music , with dancing, and with __________and thanksgiving
prayer of praise
What is the life expectancy of a turkey
3-5 upto 10 years
A horn full of food at the first thanksgiving dinner
Get your helmet and shoulder pads this game is for the birds but its no fiesta
what is a Turkey Bowl
From the German word which means "snail noodles" This treat is made of flour, sugar, butter, and cinnamon.
what is a Snicker Doodle
D&C 78:19 And he who receives all things with thankfulness shall be made _________and the things of this earth shall be added unto him even an hundred fold yea more.
This continent holds the gobble gobble country turkey
The pilgrims traditional clothes were this color
A star grants wishes in this Disney tale but the dog always chews on this favorite treat.
Breaking the wishbone
An edible mixture composed of herbs and bread
What is Stuffing
Alma 37:37 Counsel with the Lord in all thy doings and he will direct thee for good; yea, when thou liest down at night lie down unto the Lord that he may watch over you in your sleep and when thou risest in the morning let thy heart be full of thanks unto God. And if ye do these things ye shall____________.
be lifted up at the last day
500 points to the first person to make the sound of a turkey
go to whoever does it first
Year of the first thanksgiving
This walk has alot of big balloons
Macy's Day parade
Not square or triangle but somewhat circular and buttery
What are rolls