this dessert often has a lattice crust and is made with apples.
apple pie
This famous cartoon dog stars in “A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving.”
Who is Snoopy?
Watching this sport on TV has become a Thanksgiving Day tradition.
He was the first President of the United States.
Who is George Washington
what is the number one thanksgiving movie release of all time?
frozen nov 22, 2013
what casserole do all the white people bring?
sweet potato or green bean
turkeys make this sound, but only male turkeys can do it.
what is a gobble?
what culture eats thanksgiving dinner the earliest?
the dutch
the world's largest thanksgiving parade takes place in this city
new york city
in this movie ahmad tries to keep the family tradition alive after big momma suffers from a stoke & slips into a coma by …
hosting a family dinner for reconciliation and family building (soul food)
I am served at thanksgiving dinner, i have ears but i can’t hear. my outside is good enough to eat but my inside gets thrown away. what am i ?
turkey was definitely served at the first thanksgiving.
breaking this bone of the turkey is said to grant a wish
The “Gettysburg Address” was delivered by this president.
Who is Abraham Lincoln
what thanksgiving movie is sandra bullock in?
the blind side
what smells the best at thanksgiving dinner?
your nose
This 1995 Disney movie features a scene of the first Thanksgiving told through talking animals.
each year the president pardons this animal at the white house
Abraham Lincoln made thanksgiving a national holiday during this war
civil war
what’s the first thanksgiving movie to ever air on netflix?
what happened to the turkey that got in a fight?
he got the stuffing knocked out of him
what are the thanksgiving colors?
red, orange, yellow
soup kitchen or food bank
This President moved Thanksgiving to the second-to-last Thursday in November in 1939.
Who is Franklin D. Roosevelt?
what’s the name of the most common kids movie that was released in November of 1990 that stars joe pesci (harry )& daniel stern (marve) ?
home alone