46 million
In 1934, the University of Detroit hosted and broadcasted what sport?
Detroit Lions vs. Chicago Bears
In China, the Mid-Autumn Festival is used for people to come together, light paper lanterns and eat moon cakes while watching this heavenly body.
This awful place was the first to originate the name, Black Friday, after a heavy and disruptive pedestrian and vehicle traffic.
Abraham Lincoln
What meat did the Native Americans bring to the first Thanksgiving?
After the meal, this item is removed from the turkey and broken in 1/2 as 2 people make a wish upon it
Thanksgiving is celebrated in Canada the 2nd Monday of what month?
in 2017, how many people died from the Black Friday shopping mayhem?
at least 5 people were severely injured, but they all lived.
How long did the first Thanksgiving last?
3 days
What state raises the most Turkeys?
Steadily growing popular, families would write their thanks down on what to be displayed at dinner
So you can read and eat what everyone is thankful for
Dating back to ancient Greece, a 3 day autumn festival known as Thesmophoria was celebrated to honor Demeter, deity of what food?
What year was Black Friday finalized as the biggest shopping day of the year
What year is did the first Thanksgiving take place
What food was present at the first Thanksgiving, but rarely eaten for the holiday today?
The first Macy's Day Parade hosted balloons, crafts and what other attraction; to which has currently been removed.
Central Park Zoo animals
In Ghana, they hold a harvest festival in September celebrating what crop
In the 1800's, Black Friday was a term to mean what economic development?
Stock market crashes
What President and Found Father refused to declare Thanksgiving a holiday because it violated the First Amendment?
Thomas Jefferson
Thanksgiving involved prayer; and he believed to keep church and state separated.
Placed in the center of the table, the original cornucopia was from what?
Goat's horn filled with fruits and grains
Despite being present at the first Thanksgiving, this fowl is still eaten, but less popular at Thanksgiving dinners for most families.
Turkey's were easier to catch, so they went with it more.
Erntedankfest, is the German Thanksgiving where instead of people spending time with one another in the home, they spend majority of their day where
Service at 10am, parade at 2, service again at 3pm, then 6pm.
Massachusetts, Rhode Island and what other New England State prohibits superstores and department stores from opening on Thanksgiving due to blue laws?
According to the Guiness Book of World Records, the largest pumpkin pie ever was how long?
12 feet long and weighed 2,020 lbs
used 900 pumpkins, 62 gallons of milk, 155 dozen eggs, 300 lbs of sugar, 3.5 lbs salt, 2 lbs of cinnamon and 2 lbs of spice.