Which character has made the most appearances in the Macy's parade?
What percentage of people will have turkey for Thanksgiving?
When is Thanksgiving celebrated?
Fourth Thursday of November
What is the number one favorite side dish for Thanksgiving?
How many pumpkin pies are consumed on Thanksgiving each year?
5o million
What did they use to do with the balloons from the parade?
They released them to float away afterwards, however this did not work and many popped shortly after releasing them
What percentage of people in the US prefer something different than a turkey each year?
What is the number 1 alternative meat?
Who made Thanksgiving a holiday?
President Lincoln
What is the percentage of people that eat Thanksgiving dinner at a restaurant?
What is one of the most fattening pies that is served at Thanksgiving?
Pecan Pie
About how many people watch the parade each year?
50 million
What is the tradition that the president does with a turkey each year?
Pardons a turkey from being eaten.
Who started this tradition?
What is the top thing people are thankful for?
Name one item that was on the original Thanksgiving dinner menu?
Venison, duck, goose, oysters, lobster, eel, and fish were likely served, alongside pumpkins and cranberries
What is the second most popular Thanksgiving dessert?
Apple pie
Name three things in a Macy's parade?
Santa Claus, TV hosts, singers, floats, marching bands, etc.
How many turkeys are cooked each year?
46 million turkeys
Which company receives over 100,000 messages on turkey-related questions in November and December?
Which Native tribe celebrated Thanksgiving with the pilgrims and how long was this celebration?
The Wampanoag tribe
3 days
DOUBLE JEOPARDY: What year was the first Thanksgiving?
What is the average number of calories consumed by people on Thanksgiving?
In 1953, a Swanson employee accidentally ordered too many Thanksgiving turkeys, what was "invented" because of this accident?
How much did the world's largest pumpkin pie weigh?
Over 350 pounds
What did the first Macy's parade use instead of floats?
Live animals from the zoo
What are the four states in the United States that have a town named “Turkey"?
Arizona, Texas, Louisiana, and North Carolina.
Who is known as the "Mother of Thanksgiving"?
Sarah Hale
What is she known for?
What percentage of people prefer leftovers from Thanksgiving than they actual meal?
Sorry, nothing to do with dessert!
Which holiday song was meant to be a Thanksgiving song?
Jingle Bells
Sing Jingle Bells
More points if you can sing the second and third verse!