What was the name of the ship that the Pilgrims sailed to North America on?
The Mayflower
What sport is traditionally played on Thanksgiving Day?
What are the English settlers of North America known as?
The Pilgrims
This mushy, white food is a traditional side dish.
They celebrated together because the Native Americans helped the Pilgrims to grow crops and hunt, and without their help the Pilgrims might not have survived the winter.
What is the name of the place the Pilgrims landed? (Include the state and the colony name)
Plymouth, Massachusetts
What symbol of Thanksgiving was likely not even consumed at the first Thanksgiving celebration?
This food is cooked inside of the turkey, and contains bread, onions, and other assorted flavors.
They came to North America in search of a better life and religious freedom.
What year was the first Thanksgiving?
a. 1900
b. 1621
c. 1700
What is the name of the famous televised parade on Thanksgiving Day?
Macys Thanksgiving Day Parade
The president traditionally does this each year. It involves him saving a turkey from being eaten, and instead he is sent to live on a farm.
Presidential Turkey Pardon
This red, jelly like substance is a side dish with very mixed reviews.
Cranberry sauce
What president declared Thanksgiving a national holiday?
Abraham Lincoln
What year did the Pilgrims arrive in North America?
a. 1920
b. 1620
c. 1720
b. 1620
This holiday starts on Thanksgiving night, people line up to save money at stores.
Black Friday
Orange, brown, yellow
This pasta dish is the number one side dish in the south.
Macaroni and cheese
When is Thanksgiving?
a. the first Thursday of November
b. the 10th of November
c. the fourth Thursday of November
c. the fourth Thursday of November
What two groups of people attended the first Thanksgiving?
The Wampanoags and the Pilgrims
What is an antonym for thankful?
Synonym: Grateful, pleased, indebted
Antonym: Unthankful, ungrateful, displeased
What was the first Thanksgiving in celebration of?
The autumn harvest
This pie is very specific to Thanksgiving, it is made from an orange fruit.
Pumpkin pie
What season does Thanksgiving take place in?