When was the first thanksgiving.
What is 25 in roman numerals.
Which President made turkey pardoning an annual event?
George H.W. Bush
This key has legs, but can’t open a door.
What smells the best every Thanksgiving dinner?
Your nose.
When is thanksgiving in Canada
Monday October 11
How long was the first Thanksgiving celebration?
Three days
How many calories on average are consumed, per person, at Thanksgiving dinner?
Why did the turkey cross the road?
To prove he wasn't a chicken.
It’s something I spy with my little eye. I’m an orange squash that is baked in a pie. What am I?
A pumpkin
where was the first thanksgiving
the Plymouth Plantation
Was turkey served at the first thanksgiving?
How much did the world’s most expensive Thanksgiving dinner on record cost?
$150,000 at New York City’s Old Homestead Steakhouse
What is brown, big, and red all over?
A turkey with a scoop of cranberry sauce
Why is it that the turkey didn’t finish its dessert?
Because it was already stuffed
Who hosted the first thanksgiving
The Plymouth colonists and Wampanoag Native Americans (according to google)
What meats were served at the first Thanksgiving celebration?
Venison, swan, duck and goose
When was the first Thanksgiving football game?
You see this festive event along the street on this very special day, from Felix to Mickey to Dora and Bugs Bunny, all of the people will make way. What is it?
The Thanksgiving Day Parade.
What is Dracula’s all-time favorite holiday?
what language did the speak at the first thanksgiving feast?
What is Wampanoag?
Who was the first President to pardon a turkey?
John F. Kennedy
When was the first Thanksgiving NFL game?
Is it possible for a turkey to fly higher than an ostrich?
Yes, because ostriches don’t fly.
Which of the Thanksgiving beverages is considered to be sad?
Apple sigh-der