What is the name of the group of people who sailed to America?
A) Pink Panthers
B) Pilgrims
C) Plymouth
B) Pilgrims
Americans have a big ______ with their family and watch ________.
Americans have a big feast with their family and watch football.
You are not thankful enough!
Tu n’est pas assez reconnaissant(e)!
Name 3 popular pies eaten on Thanksgiving.
Pumpkin, Pecan, Lemon Meringue, Apple, Blueberry, etc...
What do you call a running turkey?
Fast Food
What is the name of the Pilgrim's vessel?
A) The Moonflower
B) The Mayflower
C) The Mammoth
B) The Mayflower
What is the holiday after Thanksgiving?
Black Friday
REVERSE JEOPARDY, -200 for the team after you
Who was the First President of the United States?
George Washington.
Name two potato dishes served on Thanksgiving
A) Mashed Potatoes
B) Mixed Potatoes
C) Buttered Sweet Potatoes
D) Baked Sweet Potatoes
A) Mashed Potatoes
D) Baked Sweet Potatoes
What key has legs and can't open a door?
A Turkey
In the year _______, the Pilgrims and the Wampanoags shared a huge feast together, which marked the first Thanksgiving.
In the year 1621, the Pilgrims and the Wampanoags shared a huge feast together, which marked the first Thanksgiving.
What is the main purpose(objet) of Thanksgiving today?
To give thanks and express gratitude
+300 for the other teams to show your gratitude.
You are so grateful for your friends!
Tu est très reconnaissant(e) envers tes amis!
Switch points with the team before you
What is the dish traditionally made inside a turkey and what is in it?
Stuffing - Bread and vegetables
Why did the cranberries turn red?
Because they saw the turkey dressing.
Where did the Pilgrims arrive in 1620?
1/2 points for the county (département)
1/2 points for state (État)
They arrived in Plymouth, Massachusetts.
What is the name of the parade held every year on Thanksgiving?
Macy's Thanksgiving Parade
How many stripes are in the American flag?
Stripes = bandes
13 stripes to symbolize the original 13 colonies
Every year on Thanksgiving, Americans eat more than ________#______ turkeys.
*Pronounce correctly
46,000,000 turkeys
What happened to the turkey that got in a fight?
He got the stuffing knocked out of him!
What caused the end of the relationship between the Pilgrims and the Native Americans?
The Pilgrims started a decade-long war and massacred all the local Native American tribes.
When is Thanksgiving celebrated?
It's celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November.
You are grateful to be alive!
Tu est reconnaissant(e) d'être en vie!
What is the name of this sauce and what is it made from?
Gravy, which is made from the juice of a turkey.
What did the turkey say to the computer?
Google, google.
In the U.S. turkeys say "Gobble, gobble"
What's the name of the Native American tribe that the Pilgrims met?
The Wampanoag Tribe
What is the Thanksgiving superstition?
Whoever breaks off the larger part of the wishbone gets their wish granted.
You should be more thankful!
Tu devrais être plus reconnaissant(e)!
The Wampanoags taught the Pilgrims to grow crops like _______, _______, ________.
The Wampanoags taught the Pilgrims to grow crops like beans, corn, and squash.
What kind of weather does a turkey like?
Fowl Weather
Fowl (volaille) sounds the same as foul (mauvais)