A Hallmark Holiday
Canadian Thanksgiving
What's for Dinner?
Martha Stewart
Turkey Songs

In A Royal Christmas, as the only daughter of an expert tailor in Philadelphia, Emily Corrigan is a kindhearted young woman proud of her blue-collar background. She is a devoted seamstress at the family business and madly in love with her doting European boyfriend, Leo. But as their first Christmas together approaches, Leo drops a bombshell on his unsuspecting girlfriend: he is actually this, not a "commoner."

What is a Prince?


Although American Thanksgiving takes place on the third Thursday of November, Canadian Thanksgiving takes place on the second Monday of this month.

What is October?


What is Sweet Potato Casserole?


Although football is the name used worldwide, several countries call the sport by this name.

What is Soccer?


To help Martha pay for tuition she posed in this profession during college.

What is Modeling?


"I've got two turkeys in my pocket

I've got two turkeys in my back pocket pocket

I've got two turkeys in my pocket

I've got two turkeys in my back"

What is "I've Got Two Turkeys in My Pocket"? (ColdmaN5)


2017's Switched for Christmas featured this actress playing two twin sisters, Oh mylanta!

Who is Candace Cameron Bure?


The first Canadian Thanksgiving reportedly took place in this Province.

What is Newfoundland?



I don't know about you, but I'm feeling like the maximum total number of players on a football field is this many.

What is 22?


In 2013, Martha Stewart told Maclean's, "The original teacher for [her] was [this woman]. [She] got to meet her several times and work with her. She got [Martha] interested in haute cuisine. [Martha] cooked every single recipe in her two big volumes of 'Mastering the Art of French Cooking.'"

Who is Julia Child?


"Love to eat turkey
'Cause it's good
Love to eat turkey
Like a good boy should
'Cause it's turkey to eat
So good"

What is the "Thanksgiving Song"? (Adam Sandler)


When a NYC event planner returns to this city to plan the Christmas celebration at Dollywood, she's paired with the head of operations who thinks he can handle the party just fine on his own in the 2019 classic Christmas at Dollywood.

What is Tennessee?


Thanksgiving's date moved around the calendar until this year when the Canadian Parliament made the holiday official.

What is 1957?


What is Ambrosia Salad?


Along the Western Front of World War I on Christmas in this year a truce was called between English and German forces where they ceased fire to play a game of football.

What is 1914?


Martha graduated from this traditionally women's college in New York with a bachelor's degree in history and architectural history only 8 years after Joan Rivers graduated from the same college.

What is Barnard College?


"Turkey Day - Turkey Day

Everybody loves Turkey Day

Except for the turkey

Cause we eat turkey on Turkey Day"

What is "Turkey Day"? (Sibling Riot)


This half of a duo sung about by Doja Cat is featured in Hallmark's Christmas Comes Twice while the other half of the duo, Tia, is featured in A Gingerbread Romance.

Who is Tamera Mowry?


In the sense of “thanks-giving,” the earliest report of such a dinner dates back to 1578, when this English explorer and his crew held a special meal to thank God for granting them safe passage through northern North America, into what is today the Canadian Territory of Nunavut.

Who is Martin Frobisher?


What is Mince Meat Pie?


The earliest form of a game similar to football was seen in this country's game cuju where players used their body parts except for their hands, and a player’s goal was to kick the ball into a net opening.

What is China?


Martha Stewart is known for being a relentless workaholic, only sleeping this number of hours each night.

What is four?


"You gonna get us a good turkey? Yes Dear.

You got your slingshot? Yes Dear.

You got your turbo-blaster water gun? Yes Dear.

Did you remember your vintage bottle rocket collection? Yes Dear.

Well good luck cause we need a turkey this year. Yes Dear."

What is "Where's the Turkey"? (Uncle Jim)


80-year-old Bert O’Riley agrees to take in his nine-year-old granddaughter, Becca after his estranged daughter, Marie, is involved in a car accident. Although the two start with a cold relationship, they are eventually brought together by a Christmas pageant in this Hallmark Drama.

What is A Grandpa for Christmas?


Thanksgiving meals vary by province, so if you’re new to Canada you can also create your own tradition. Families in Newfoundland typically enjoy what’s known as a this Dinner which is a boiled meat dish accompanied by a split-pea pudding, which is not too far off from the original Thanksgiving meal shared by the explorers.

What is a Jigg's Dinner?


What is Succotash?


This position on a football team is known as the engine of the team because of their strong endurance and work ethic.

What is Midfielder?


When she was in high school, Martha babysat the children of these two legendary Yankees players.

Who are Mickey Mantle and Yogi Berra?


"Turkey baking in the oven

Turkey ready for some lovin'

Turkey a meatball I am 

Turkey green eggs and ham"

What is "When You're a Meatball (Bonus Track)"? (Clean Plate Libretto)
