We had a surprise party for Joelle, but Noah spilled the beans. Even though Joelle acted surprised, she already knew about the party.
To tell someone a secret
That meal was delicious! I'm stuffed.
1) a metal cylinder that stores food or liquid
2) the ability to do something
Thankful: be aware of positive things
Thankful: be aware of positive things
You have so much food left on your plate. Your eyes are bigger than your stomach!
To put too much food on your plate and not finish it.
That was exhausting! Time to hit the hay!
Time to go to sleep.
1) a rounded dish that holds food
2) a game played with pins and bowl
Feast: an elaborate and usually abundant meal often accompanied by a ceremony or entertainment
Feast: an elaborate and usually abundant meal often accompanied by a ceremony or entertainment :
Losing my cellphone was a blessing in disguise. If I hadn't lost it, I wouldn't have met you!
Something that is both good and bad.
You barely ate anything! You eat like a bird.
To eat very little.
1) to add flavor and spices to food
2) a time of year
Giving: to put into the possession of another for his or her use
Giving: to put into the possession of another for his or her use
Dad really upset the apple cart when he changed our plans for Thanksgiving at the last minute.
To mess up or ruin something.
We tied the football against the Buffalo Bills. It's a turkey.
Not a success, but not a failure.
1) to fill something
2) things
Harvest: the act or process of gathering in a crop
Harvest: the act or process of gathering in a crop
I would love to be a famous movie star, but since I've never been in a play before, that's probably pie in the sky.
Something good that is unlikely to happen.
I need to stop biting my nails. I'm going cold turkey.
To give up something immediately.
1) a piece of furniture with legs and a flat surface on top
2)To put on hold
Stuff: to close up so that no empty spaces remain
Stuff: to close up so that no empty spaces remain