Traditional casserole that is sweet
Sweet potato casserole
Name a costume that Turkey dressed up as in the book Turkey Trouble
horse, cow, pig, sheep, rooster, pizza deliverer
What do you say before you eat?
prayer or what you are thankful for or both
A turkey can fly 55 mph. True or False?
What list do you make for Thanksgiving?
Grocery list
What bird do you eat at Thanksgiving dinner?
What day is Thanksgiving on?
What game is popular to watch or play around Thanksgiving?
What ways can you cook a turkey? (name 2)
Fry, smoke, bake
What do you buy in a can for Thanksgiving?
Black olives, cranberry sauce, corn, green beans, etc.
What pie do you eat at Thanksgiving?
Pumpkin, pecan, sweet potato
Name one person you could tell thank you to.
Mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, aunt, uncle, cousin, teacher,etc.
What parade do we watch on Thanksgiving day?
Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade
How many pounds of turkey do you need for a 15 person meal?
15 pounds
Before Thursday of Thanksgiving
What other meat is popular at Thanksgiving meals?
What does gratitude mean?
Gratitude is the feeling of thankfulness for something good that happens or someone does for you.
Who ate at the first Thanksgiving?
Pilgram/Native Americans
The U.S. president pardons a turkey every year. True or False?
Should you budget for Thanksgiving meals?
What do you eat the day after Thanksgiving?
How can you show someone you are thankful for them?
a thank you note, a hug, doing chores, etc.
Name a Thanksgiving tradition
What is the term for the noise a turkey makes?
What can you do with a hambone?
make turnip greens, make soup, freeze