The Real Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Pop Culture
Thanksgiving food
Thanksgiving floats and balloons
Young-ish Stamler Trivia

These people wore brightly colored clothing with one of their church leaders recording among his possessions “1 pair of green draws”-- far different from the buckled shoes we are used to. 



It has become a tradition for this controversial song to play on many classic rock and alternative radio stations each Thanksgiving.

Alice's Restaurant


About 50 million of these delicious bakes are consumed every American thanksgiving.

Pumpking Pie


The statue seen here.

The Spirit of Detroit 


David cannot answer, but can say if the person answering is correct! Name three of any of the many tunes obsessively sung by David over the years during Gift-Giving day celebrations.

White Cismas, Jessie's Girl, Hey Mickey, Shattered, ect.


Contrary to popular mythology, the Pilgrims were no friends to the local Native indigenous tribes, they were engaged in a ruthless war of extermination against their hosts. Just days before the alleged Thanksgiving love-fest, a company of Pilgrims lead by Standish actively sought to decapitate the local chief of the Massachusett tribe, deliberately caused a rivalry between two friendly tribe members, and erected this structure, which might sound familiar.

A 11-foot-high wall


The Thanksgiving meal occurs off-screen in this comedy directed by North Shore native John Hughes.

Trains Plans and Automobiles


When the Pilgrims invited sachem Massasoit tho their feast there was no turkey served, instead they likely ate duck or goose and this gamey meat brought by Massasoit.



This beloved children's book character

Captain Underpants


Claire cannot answer this question: what song did Claire obsessively play in high school, no it wasn't "how to save a life"! 

Cable Car


This event remembers the Native indigenous people who died at the hand or plague of European settlers at Cole’s Hill in Plymouth, Massachusetts every Thanksgiving.

National Day of Mourning 


This fictional chief wished America a happy thanksgiving, but vert da ferk he's not even American!

The Swedish Chief 


Pilgrims became the western hemisphere's first class of welfare recipients when they received this crop from Native indigenous people, without which the Pilgrims would have surly perished.



The name of this guy from Frozen (1&2)



None of the cousins can answer: This is the film that Rachel, Naomi, Hannah, Isabelle, and Claire watched together on Gift Giving Day 2019. 

Get Out


A statement that tells us that Michigan land was stolen from the Anishinaabeg and Wyandot tribes, was obtained through genocide, ethnic cleansing, and forced removal from indigenous peoples, benefitting those that stole the land and continues to benefit those who access the land originally gained through the exploitation of others. This statement can end with a request to those present to recognize this history, learn about indigenous culture, and promote and discover indigenous art-no appropriation please! 

Land Acknowledgement


In a Very Gaga Thanksgiving Lady Gaga celebrated Thanksgiving and set sales for the holiday season by covering this not so christmasy Nat King Cole song, perhaps GaGa was thinking of the sunset on a nice fall day?

Orange Colored Sky


In 1953, a Swanson employee accidentally ordered a colossal shipment of Thanksgiving turkeys (260 tons, to be exact). To deal with the excess, they filled 5,000 aluminum trays with the turkey – along with cornbread dressing, gravy, peas, and sweet potatoes to complete the offering inventing this type of meal.

TV Dinner


The Detroit parade concludes with Santa receiving this from the mayor of the city.

The key to the city of Detroit


These two are scorpios...

Joel and Nicole 


Some Mashpee Wampanoag tribe families celebrate thanksgiving by reflecting on the fact that they are 1 percent of the population in their own country, making offerings of tobacco, and giving thanks to these three mothers.

Their first mother, their human mother, and to mother earth


"Turkey Lurkey Time" is a song-and-dance number from Act 1 of the musical Promises, Promises. It was mashed up with this song by the Scissor Sisters on the 4th season of Glee- go on, grab your friends for the purpose of gossiping and chit-chat...

Let's Have a Kiki


Jiggs dinner, split-pea pudding, butter tarts, and Nanaimo bars are dishes desserts served at this thanksgiving feast.

Canadian Thanksgiving


This Big Head-not a float

Tom Selleck


Where Rachel found the dress.

The Garbage Can
