TV Trivia
TV Trivia Prt 2
Movie Trivia

What kind of turkey does Danny make in the first Thanksgiving without Pam in "Full House"?

A.) Grade C Turkey
B.)Grade B Turkey
C.) Grade A Turkey
D.)Frozen Turkey

D.) Frozen Turkey

Danny takes the less-than-perfect moment to teach his girls about the true meaning of the holiday: "Thanksgiving wasn't about turkeys; it's about family and about being thankful for what we have."


Snoopy serves up the feast. What’s for dinner?

A. Buttered toast, pretzel sticks, popcorn, jelly beans and an ice cream sundae

B. Turkey and all the fixings

C. Pumpkin pie, turkey-flavored jelly beans and sweet potatoes

A. Buttered toast, pretzel sticks, popcorn, jelly beans and an ice cream sundae


In “Miracle on 34th Street” which character is in charge of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade?

A. Doris Walker

B. Fred Galley

C. Granville Sawyer

A. Doris Walker


Who was the first President to pardon a turkey?
A.) George H.W.Bush
B.) Nixon
C.) John F. Kennedy
D.)Dwight Eisenhower

C.) John F. Kennedy


How long did the first Thanksgiving celebration last?

A.) 5 days
B.) 3 days
C.) One week
D.) 5 hours

B.) 3 days


What show showcased a true American thanksgiving?
A.) Parenthood
C.) How I Met Your Mother

A.) Parenthood

"Parenthood" has gained a popular following, due to its realistic portrayal of the American family, and this Thanksgiving is no different. Dinner was loud, laughable and even had some football and violence. The perfect Thanksgiving!


Since 1948, what happens at the end of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, which NBC airs live?

A.) All of the featured performers sing a Thanksgiving song together.

B.)  A float of a huge turkey passes by.

C.) Santa arrives in his sleigh.

C.) Santa arrives in his sleigh.


In the 1987 Thanksgiving road trip film, "Planes, Trains & Automobiles," John Candy's character is a traveling salesman who sells what?

A.) Encyclopedias
B.) Shower Curtain Rings
C.)Hand-held vacuum cleaner bags
D.)Tupperware called "popware"

B.) Shower Curtain Rings


How many calories on average are consumed, per person, at Thanksgiving dinner?

A.) 3,000
B.) 4,500
C.) 6,000
D.) 2,500

B.) 4,500


In what decade did both the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and America’s Thanksgiving Parade start?

a.) 1930s
b.) 1920s

b.) 1920s


Slapsgiving, from "How I Met Your Mother," brought what Ted and Robin tradition?

A.) Saluting to military titles
B.) Hooking up
C.) Computer Countdowns
D.) Interventions

A.) Saluting to military titles

The infamous Slapsgiving episode is one of the top ranked episodes of "How I Met Your Mother." It is the episode that introduced us to the Ted and Robin military saluting gag that continues throughout the series. Plus, the countdown counter makes that episode perfect.


In season eight, Monica invites her old school friend Will to Thanksgiving dinner, unaware he founded the I Hate Rachel Green Club. Who played Will?

A. Brad Pitt
B. Hugh Jackman
C. Justin Theroux

A.) Brad Pitt


Which of the following hot-button 1960s issues is not featured the 1969 Thanksgiving classic "Alice's Restaurant"?

A.) Pollution
B.) The Draft
C.) Black Civil Rights
D.) Drugs

C.) Black Civil Rights


How many turkeys are prepared for Thanksgiving in America each year?

 A) About 46 million
B.) About 20 million
C.) About 10 million
D.) About 500,000

A.) About 46 Million


What meat did the native Americans bring to the first Thanksgiving?

A.) Pork
B.) Buffalo
C.) Horse Meat
D.) Deer

D.) Deer


In “A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving,” Charlie Brown was planning to go to his grandparents for dinner but someone talks him into hosting another dinner. Who is it?

A.) Lucy
C.) Peppermint Patty

A.) Lucy


In season four of “Bewitched,” what happens to Darren when Samantha takes them back to Plymouth and the first Thanksgiving?

A. He discovers he has magical powers.

B. Endora turns him into a turkey.

C. He is accused of being a witch.

C. He is accused of being a witch.


In 2005, the Library of Congress selected this film for preservation in the United States National Film Registry
A.) The Wizard of Oz
B.) Its a Wonderful Life
C.) Miracle on 34th Street
D.) Charlie Brown Thanksgiving

B.) It's a Wonderful Life


Question: What turkeys actually gobble?
A.) Female Turkeys
B.) Male Turkeys

B.) Male Turkeys


What culture produced the idea of the cornucopia, the horn of plenty?

a.) British
b.) Irish
c.) Greek
d.) German

c.) Greek


The sitcom “Friends” always had great Thanksgiving episodes. In the second season, Monica gets a job making desserts made of what?

A. Fruitcakes
B. Mocholate, a synthetic chocolate
C. Turkey giblets

B. Mocholate, a synthetic chocolate


Watching football on Thanksgiving day is an American tradition. Which of these teams does not regularly host a game?

A. Detroit Lions
B. Dallas Cowboys
C. New England Patriots

C. New England Patriots


Holly Hunter stars as a single mom who spends Thanksgiving with her dysfunctional family at her childhood home in this funny film.

“Home for the Holidays”


How much did the world’s most expensive Thanksgiving dinner on record cost?

a.) $80,000
c.) $400,000
d.) $150,000

d.) $150,000 at New York City’s Old Homestead Steakhouse


What decade was the green bean casserole, a Thanksgiving staple in many households, first created?

