What am I?
Figurative Language

I am usually the main dish at the the Thanksgiving table. I am a bird and I can be pretty big. 

What is a turkey? 


A similarity between a turkey and a chicken,. 

What is they are both birds, and can both be eaten. 


A difference between a turkey and a chicken. 

What is; size, taste, what they are used for, etc. 


Family was starting to gather at my house and it was getting loud. I couldn't get to the cheese and crackers, and my aunt was asking me lots of questions. I decided to go hide in my room until dinner was ready. How was I feeling? 

What is overwhelmed, frustrated, etc?


We finished dinner and dad said; "I'm so stuffed" what does dad mean? 

What is "full" or not hungry anymore? 

I sometimes go inside of the turkey when you cook it. I can be eaten. 

What is stuffing? 


A similarity between Thanksgiving and Christmas. 

What is they are both holidays, and time to spend with your family. 

A difference between a ham and a turkey. 

What is taste, type of animal, when they are eaten, etc. 


We ate a huge meal and then mom washed all the dishes. My sister, brother and dad laid on the couch after the meal, feeling satisfied and relaxed. Mom looked over at us and said; "I hope you guys are happy." What was mom thinking or feeling? 

What is annoyed that no one was helping with the dishes after a big meal?


Mom told me I should count my blessings on Thanksgiving and stop worrying about what I don't have. What does "count your blessings mean?"

What is be grateful for what you have?


I am usually eaten for dessert at Thanksgiving. I am round and I have a crust. I come in lots of different flavors. 

What are pies? 


A similarity between a pumpkin and a potato. 

What is they both grow, are vegetables, and can be eaten. 


A difference between Thanksgiving and Christmas? 

What is; reason for holiday, gifts, giving thanks, food eaten, etc.?


Grandma had us all over for Thanksgiving dinner. When she took the turkey out, she started crying and seemed upset. We ended up getting Chinese Food takeout instead. Why did the family have to get Chinese takeout? 

What is the turkey was overcooked or ruined somehow? 


My grandfather was able to quit smoking by going "cold turkey." What does "cold turkey" mean? 

What is to suddenly stop doing something (usually a bad habit) and never looking back at it? 


We are known as the people that were in America first. We were born here and did not come from anywhere else. We are celebrated on Thanksgiving. 

What is Native Americans?

A similarity between a grandparent and a cousin. 

What is they are both family,etc. 


A difference between a plate and a platter. 

What is size? (a platter is a very large plate)


Alex and Maya were in the kitchen and both had their hands on a bone from the turkey. They counted to three and both closed their eyes. What were they doing? 

What is breaking the "wishbone" and making a wish. 


Uncle Jim was a couch potato the whole time when visiting for Thanksgiving. What is a "couch potato?"

What is someone who lays on the couch and is pretty lazy? 


I am a big event that happens on Thanksgiving morning. You can see me on TV, and I take place in NYC. I have lots of colors and offer entertainment. 

What is the Thanksgiving Day Parade? 


A similarity between a plate and a platter. 

What is they are both dishes, you can put food on both, etc. 


A difference between a grandparent and a cousin. 

What is how they are related to you, age, etc.?


Molly is so disappointed about Thanksgiving this year. It is going to be smaller and she is not going to see her family from away. Why can't Molly see her family from away? 

What is the Coronavirus? 


My cousin Amy is a hard nut to crack. I tried asking her a lot of questions, but she really did not tell me much. What is the meaning of "a hard nut to crack?" 

What is a difficult person to understand? 
