Where did the pilgrims come from?
What day is Thanksgiving held on the United States?
What season do people buy pumpkins?
Nickname for informal backyard American football games held on Thanksgiving or over Thanksgiving weekend
Turkey Bowl
The first people to celebrate Thanksgiving
Americans eat approximately 535 million pounds of this on Thanksgiving
What is the day after Thanksgiving called?
Black Friday
What did Cinderella use a pumpkin for?
A carriage
This department store's beloved Thanksgiving Day parade has been floating through New York City since 1924
What was the name of the ship on which the pilgrims came to America?
What are the two most popular pies baked at Thanksgiving?
Pumpkin & Apple Pie
True or False? Thanksgiving is only celebrated in the United States.
This is what the word "cornucopia" means.
"horn of plenty"
Name of the Native American tribe during Thanksgiving
Approximately 94% of American Thanksgiving meals include this tangy item.
Cranberry Sauce
Since 1957 this country has been celebrating Thanksgiving on the second Monday in October
Name of this popular Starbucks Drink during the Fall Season
Pumpkin Spice Latte
What state consumes the most turkey every Thanksgiving?
In 1863, during the Civil War, which President declared Thanksgiving a national holiday?
Abraham Lincoln
This traditional Thanksgiving vegetable is grown on every continent except Antarctica.
How long did the first Thanksgiving celebration last?
3 days
Pumpkins originated from this country
Name one of the 2 NFL teams that traditionally hold games on Thanksgiving Day
The Detroit Lions/Dallas Cowboys