This is the sound a male turkey makes.
gobble gobble
This is the name of the ship on which the pilgrims came to America.
Americans eat approximately 535 million pounds of this on Thanksgiving
The parade is held every year in this city.
New York City
The day after Thanksgiving, often referred to as the biggest shopping day of the year, is nicknamed this.
Black Friday
Female turkeys are called hens. This is what male turkeys are called.
The pilgrims landed at this rock.
Plymouth Rock
Are pumpkins technically a fruit or a vegetable?
What wasn't part of the first Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade?
These two football teams play on Thanksgiving Day every year.
the Detroit Lions and the Dallas Cowboys
What Is a Baby Turkey Called
poult, chick, or even turklette
This tribe of Native Americans were invited to the first Thanksgiving feast.
Many Southern Americans serve this cheesy side dish with their Thanksgiving meal.
macaroni & cheese
What year did “A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving” debut on television?
This "honest" president is the one who officially declared Thanksgiving a national holiday.
Abraham Lincoln
This is the name of the skin that hangs from a turkey's neck.
The first Thanksgiving lasted this many days.
Approximately 94% of American Thanksgiving meals include this tangy item.
cranberry sauce
how high must a cranberry bounce before it is harvested
4 inches
This is what the word "cornucopia" means.
"horn of plenty"
Which President made turkey pardoning an annual event?
George H.W. Bush
How long was the Mayflower’s voyage from England to America
66 days
What family does the pumpkin belong to
What is the name of the organization that sends a ceremonial turkey to the president each year?
The National Turkey Federation
In Canada, Thanksgiving is celebrated during this month.