This is what you should say when someone gives you something.
Thank you.
This gobblicious bird was most likely not served at the original Thanksgiving.
Where did the Pilgrims come from?
The Mayflower was what type of vehicle?
When the Pilgrims landed, what harsh and cold season was it?
This is what you should say with a request.
The pilgrims wanted freedom to practice their own __________.
The Mayflower was this type of ship.
A merchant vessel, one not usually meant for people to travel on.
About how many pilgrims died that first winter?
about half.
Do this so other people don't see your food while you eat.
Eat with a closed mouth
This lengthy green food has bean a staple of many meals for years.
About this many pilgrims set sail to come to America.
About 100 pilgrims.
The Mayflower left England in this year.
Who already lived here when the Pilgrims arrived?
Native Americans, Double points for "Wampanoag"!
"Please pass the..."
This vegetable is often served as a side, and was a staple of early settlers. It's also how you would describe your meal if it was run over by a car...
Unlike previous settlers to America from Europe, the Pilgrims brought _____________ to start families and stay permanently here.
Women & Children
How long did the trip across the ocean take?
66 days
What Native American saved the Pilgrims, and knew how to speak English!
Tisquantum or "Squanto"
To ensure you don't spit food at people, you should not _________ and eat at the same time.
You should not talk while eating.
These 3 foods were called the "Three Sisters" by the Native Americans and early Pilgrim Settlers.
About 35 of the Pilgrims were a more strict, and in their view more "Pure" religious group called the...
Did the Mayflower stay with the Pilgrims in Massachusetts forever?
No, it went back to england after the Harsh Winter.
What was the name of the document that the Pilgrims signed to show they would work together for the good of the community, and also showed they would obey the laws of England?
Mayflower Compact