What year was the first Thanksgiving celebrated?
Which pie is most commonly associated with Thanksgiving?
Pumpkin pie
What sport is commonly watched on Thanksgiving Day?
What is the name of the NFL championship game played in February?
The Super Bowl
Turkey is native to North America.
Who was the president that made Thanksgiving a national holiday?
Abraham Lincoln
What side dish is made from bread cubes and herbs?
What is the traditional day to begin shopping for Christmas after Thanksgiving?
Black Friday
What is the name of the line on the field where a play begins?
The line of scrimmage
Which tree’s leaves turn bright red in the fall?
Maple tree
The ship the Pilgrims sailed on to reach America?
The Mayflower
What red fruit sauce is a Thanksgiving staple?
Cranberry sauce
What large parade is held in New York City on Thanksgiving Day?
Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade
In 2022, what player set a record for the most rushing touchdowns scored in a single Thanksgiving game?
Randy Moss
What state raises the most turkeys in the U.S.?
English settlers who traveled to the United States seeking religious freedom
Sweet potatoe is often topped with this sweet treat?
What activity involves pulling a turkey bone in hopes of getting the larger piece to make a wish?
Breaking the wishbone.
What NFL team is traditionally associated with hosting a Thanksgiving Day game?
The Detroit Lions
Which month does fall officially begin?
The Native American tribe that "celebrated" the first Thanksgiving with the Pilgrims?
To the Iroquois people, what name is given to the trio of crops—corn, beans, and squash—that are considered the physical and spiritual sustainers of life?
The Three Sisters
What tradition has families running or walking in a 5K race on Thanksgiving morning?
A Turkey Trot
What NFL team has never played a game on Thanksgiving Day?
The Jacksonville Jaguars
What is the long piece of flesh that hangs from a turkey’s beak called?
A snood