When is Jeffrey's Birthday?
When is Nov, 5th 1993.
What is the name and age of the oldest person mentioned in the Bible?
Methuselah, lived 969 years
Who was Ammachi's Favorite Grandchild
Daniel Chacko
Which of Neela's Eyes are blue
An instructor once said "Noone has drowned in these waters" Which one of us proceeded to prove him wrong?
When did Joseph start liking Thomas the Tank Engine
When he was in the womb.
Who baptized the most Raccons in this Family
Sam Chacko
Which is the only body part that is fully grown from birth?
What animal peed on Danny's race car track?
What Song started and ended Jeffrey's Rap Career ?
Diamond In the Rough
Whay Year did Zinnie Mama and Vinobuncle come to the states.
Where can you find Jessica in the bible?
Genesis 11:29
Which country has the highest life expectancy?
Hong Kong
What animal almost killed Susanna
A T-Rex in Toy's R US
Where were we when Zinnie Mama got into it with a Jet Ski Instructer, bonus points for why?
Where is Myrtle Beach?
Steven was flirting with the jet ski instructor and Zinnie mama didn't like it.
When is Kristine's Birthday
May 11th 1994
Jesus taught several parables to illustrate the Kingdom of God. Which one talks about God's forgiveness?
Parable of the Prodigal Son
How many faces does a Dodecahedron have?
True or False, The Chacko family had a Ferret as a pet.
Which Aunty fell in the pond during Kristine and Aaron's wedding
Chinamama Joshua
Who out of the three sisters got married first?
Winnie Thomas
What is the name of the island where John wrote the book of Revelation?
The island of Patmos
In which country would you find Mount Kilimanjaro?
What animal almost bit jeffrey when he was kayaking
Water Snake
Where should we go for our next Family Trip
You guys kept bothering me and rushing me so I had to come up with this stupid question