Where was the first Thanksgiving?
What is Plymouth, Massachusetts?
How much does the average turkey weigh?
What is 15 pounds?
I can be smashed, baked, and carved and you can see me everywhere on Thanksgiving. What am I?
What is a pumpkin?
Who was the first president to pardon a turkey?
Who was John F. Kennedy?
How fast can a turkey run?
What is 25mph?
What kind of key has legs, but can't open a door?
What is a turKEY?
Which city has the oldest Thanksgiving Day Parade?
What is Philadelphia?
What is a group of turkeys called?
What is a flock?
What are pumpkins and gourds' favorite sport?
What is squash?
Which president thought that a turkey should be the national bird instead of an eagle?
Who was Ben Franklin?
What was the name of this year's pardoned turkey?
Who is Corn?
If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring?
What are Pilgrims?
What Native American was honored at the first Thanksgiving?
Who was Squanto?
What is the most popular side dish?
What is stuffing?
What side of the has the most feathers?
What is the outside?