My favorite color.
What is black
How many Bros do I have
What is four
What is my favorite move.
What is Captian America Winter Soldier
When was I born.
What is August 21, 2010
What does my name mean.
What is the fixer of roofs
My favorite meal food.
What is buffalo pizza.
When was I baptized
What is Ten
What is my favorite show.
What is Loki
When did I go to Yellowstone.
What is summer of 2021
What number pair of glasses is my current ones.
What is 3
My favorite dessert.
What is eclair pie
When was my first year at HCA.
What is 2019
What was the first Marvel movie I watched
What is Spider-Man Homecoming
When Did I start at Chambers Hill Elementary.
What is 2nd grade
What is my favorite brother.
What is None Of Them!
My favorite candy.
What is Jolly Ranchers
What is my favorite vacation spot.
What is the beach.
What is my favorite Star Wars movie.
What is The Rise of the Skywalker
When did I move into my current house.
What is summer of 2017
Who is my favorite type of actor.
What is funny, young, and intense.
My favorite movie.
What is Captain America Winter Soldier.
When were Anothony and Angle adopted.
What is September 23
Who is my favorite Youtuber.
Who is Dude Perfect
When was I prescribed with glasses.
What is mid- fourth grade
What is my typical pencil death rate.