How many countries offer SMART recovery?
24 countries
The tool that helps define what motivates you.
Hierarchy of Values
What causes urges?
You can use this tool to examine any belief that may be harmful if you act on it
DIBs: Disputing Irrational Beliefs
What are 2 ways to create balance in your life?
1. Take Inventory
2. Honesty
3. go with your gut
4. Plan and Prepare
5. Get Support
6. Balance
7. Have Fun
What does SMART stand for?
Self Management and Recovery Training
It is sometimes hard to see a difference between what you are doing and what you could do differently. This exercise helps identify this.
The Three Questions
Define urge
Change your___, change your ______
vocabulary. feelings
What does PMR stand for?
Progressive Muscle Relaxation
How long does it take to become a facilitator?
2 months
This tool helps you to identify steps you can take toward your goals
Change-Plan Worksheet
What are 3 basic strategies for coping with urges?
Avoid, escape, distract, coping statements, review CBA, rate urges, ride the way, play the tape
What are the 5 steps of problem solving
1. Define the problem, 2. brainstorm, 3. evaluate, 4. select, 5. create written plan
How can you regain your health?
Nutrition, sleep, exercise, medication
When was SMART established?
What is the purpose of a CBA?
Recognize the addictive behavior only has short term benefits but long-term costs.
What are 3 advanced strategies for coping with urges?
bring out urges, role-play, refuse to use
What does SMART identify as danger situations?
Association, boredom, emotions, fantasy, frustration, opportunity
Hobbies and interest help balance your life. SMART uses this tool to help explore how to find what interests you again.
VACI: Vital Absorbing Creative Interest
What are the 4-Points?
1) Building and maintaining motivation
2) Coping with urges to use
3) Managing thoughts, feelings
4) living a balanced life
What are 2 things that motivate you to be sober?
Everyone must answer
What are the 3 acronyms to cope with urges?
What does ABC model help with?
Emotional upsets, disputing irrational belief's, find new healthy emotions
What problematic behavior can resemble addictive behavior?