Famous Sober People
Addiction Terms
AA/ NA Meetings
Client Expectations at WisHope

This illegal, chemically made stimulant, kills brain cells and causes intense withdrawal symptoms like depression, fatigue and irritability. 10% of yearly overdoses are due to this substance.

What is...Methamphetamines? 


This singer has been sober for 3 years and began her career on the Disney Channel show called Hannah Montana.

Who is... Miley Cyrus


You admit powerlessness and unmanageability of life in this step.

What is... the First Step.


Recurrence of addictive behavior after a period of sobriety.

What is...Relapse


The Only Requirement of AA/NA membership is...

What is... The Desire to Stop Drinking/Using


Not being on time to____ causes you to miss out on store runs.

What are groups?


This mind-altering chemical causes impaired coordination, slurred speech, tremors and seizures, and prolonged cognitive disorders like Alzheimer's and dementia. Habitual use impacts learning and brain development to the point of psychosis. 

What is...Marijuana?


He has been sober for 19 years and wrote a book called "Recovery: Freedom From Our Addictions" as well as being most famously an actor in the movies, "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" and "Get Him to the Greek".

Who is Russell Brand


This step is the most avoided and procrastinated above all the other steps because of its humbling nature where someone admits to another, the nature of their wrongs.

What is the Fifth Step.


The physical and psychological symptoms that occur when a person stops using an addictive substance.

What is...Withdrawal.


This is the title of the chapter that lists the 12 steps.

What is... "How It Works"


You must be in your room by this time every night. 

What is 11pm 


This drug is often legally prescribed and attributes to the leading causes of overdoses in the nation.

what are...Opioids?


This man has been sober for over 15 years and attributes his sobriety to consistant therapy and accountability. He is known for roles his big roles as Sherlock Holmes and Marvel's own: Iron Man.

Who is Robert Downing Jr.?


Through Prayer & Meditation you seek to improve your conscious contact with a Higher Power.

What is Step 11.


A dysfunctional relationship in which one person relies on another to an unhealthy extent. This often leads to enabling when the other party suffers from substance use disorder.

What is...Codependency


These people raise their hands at the ends of meetings to express their willingness to walk others through the 12-steps.

Who are... Sponsors?


This is the number one reason people get kicked out of this treatment center.

What is fraternizing/intimate relationships?


This drug is the most celebrated substance in the modern era.

What is ...Alcohol?


This Rapper has been sober for almost a decade and has the name similar to a famous candy brand.

Who is Eminem.


In this step, a list is made, and we become willing to make amends to all people we have wronged.

What is Step Eight. 


A condition where a person who experiences a mood disorder or mental illness also suffers from substance use disorder, also called dual-diagnosis.

what is...Co-Occurring Disorder


A basket is passed around meetings for donations to keep the meeting sustainable. This is the number of the tradition that honors the basket.

What is... 7th Tradition.


This is the most frequently broken rule outdoors.

What is smoking by the door. 


Arguably the most addictive drug of all time. Used to cope with substance use disorder and publicly accepted by all. It was once thought to be healthy to consume.

What is Nicotine?


This actor is has been sober for 22 years and stars in movies like "Toy Story (As Buzz)", and Christmas classic "The Santa Claus" (Santa).

Who is... Tim Allen


A powerful step that, is often understood, where the decision is made to turn one's life and self-will over top the care of a Higher Power.

What is... the Third Step


Often involves a group of individuals, loved ones or close friends, who confront a person with the addiction in an effort to persuade them to seek professional help for their substance abuse.

What is an Intervention?


The purpose of meetings is for people to share these three things with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from drugs and alcohol.

What are...Experience, Strength, and Hope


These are the four med-pass windows each day here at WisHope.

What are... 7am, 12pm, 5pm, 8:30-9pm


This drug is involved in more youth drug deaths than heroine, meth, cocaine, benzo's, and RX drugs COMBINED!

What is Fentanyl?


This actress was a Silver Screen legend, she laid the foundation for many celebrities to come about being open to the public about her alcoholism/ substance abuse and was not ashamed to share her story. She stars in classics like "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" (1966) and "Cleopatra" (1963).

Who is...Elizabeth Taylor


"Were entirely ready to have God remove all these deafects of character."

What is...Step 6?


When someone takes a drug, their brain releases large surges of this neurotransmitter which gives the "feel good" experience.

What is... Dopamine


This is the spiritual foundation of all AA's traditions, ever reminding us to place principals before personalities. 

(The answer can be found in the twelve traditions of AA.)

What is Anonymity?


This is who you go to for step-down programs.

Who are the PRC's? 
