Geography of the Colonies
Establishment of The Colonies
British/Colonial Policy
Our Government
Critical Thinking Time!

What kind of goods did the southern colonies produce?

What is Cash crops like tobacco, rice, and indigo.


What was the name of the religious group of people seeking religious freedom? 



What is another name for "Great Charter"?

Magna Carta


The branch of government the President is in charge of

What is the Executive Branch?


Why did the United States adopt the checks and balances policy when creating our government?

What is to prevent one part of the government from having too much power?


What kind of goods did the New England Northern colonies produce?

What is Fur, Leather, rum, fish, and boat equipment.


What is the purpose of a joint stock company?

People invested money in the trip to the colonies with the goal of earning more money when the colony was successful. If the colony was a success, they would receive gold, silver, and more trade routes. 


Why was the Magna Carta so important? 

This law restricted the power of the British King


The Branch of our government that makes up the Laws

What is the Legislative Branch


Why was the mayflower compact an important step for the colonist?

What is the mayflower compact allowed the colonist to self govern themselves and eventually realize they did not need the king.


Describe what the southern geography allowed people to do all year round that the Northern colonies could not. (Be sure to talk about climate too.)

What is farming because the weather was warm enough to allow for farming most of the year.


Why did the colonists in Jamestown have problems with the Native AMericans, but the colonist in Plymouth did not? 

The colonist in Jamestown were settling for business purposes, but the colonists in Plymouth were settling for freedom from religious persecution. one was temporary, the other was for permanency.   


What is a "Direct government" and why was it important? 

a direct government is when citizens voted directly on laws and policies that affect a town. It is important because this gave the people a bigger voice in decisions. 


The Branch of government that enforces the laws

What is The Judicial Branch


What was the importance of the Town meetings?

What is the town meetings allowed the people to have a say in what laws were created and passed in their communities.


What kind of geographical features made a lot of the land in the north "unfarmable"? 

What are mountains and valleys


Define Mercantilism in your own words

Teacher's Discretion 


Why was the Toleration Act of 1649 so important to implement? 

This act was the first step to legal religious tolerance and it was implemented to avoid conflict. 


The name of the elected officials that were created in Virginia in the 1600's

Who are the Burgesses


Why was Africa seen as the best place to get slaves from by the Europeans?

What is the Europeans did not see them as equals because of their religion and their skin color.


Name two advantages for the colonist settling near water in the north and south.

What is easier trade passages and easier access to water in the south.


What is the two differences between Indentured Servitude and Slavery? 

Indentured Servants had a choice and eventually gained freedom where slaves did not have either. 


Why was the Mayflower Compact, Town Meetings, the Toleration Acts, and the Virginia House of Burgesses so important to the formation of our Government? 

These set the foundation for the constitution we have today. 


The name of the law that prevented Christians and Catholics from fighting one another

What is the Maryland Toleration Act of 1649


Tell me what ideals about government John Locke, Voltaire, Montesquieu, and Rousseau impacted the American government

What is John Locke's Life, liberty, and land.

Voltaire's freedom of speech

Montesquieu checks and balances and 

Rousseau's social contract.
