What are the states for the middle colony?
Answer: Delaware,New Jersey, New York, and lastly Pennsylvania!
What are the states for the New England colony?
Answer:New Hampshire,Rhode Island,Connecticut,and last Massacchussets!
What are the States for Southern Colony?
Answer: Maryland,North Carolina,Georgia,Virgina,and lastly South Carolina!
fill in the blank
30 crew aboard the Mayflower when it landed in Plymouth Bay,____________, in the harsh winter of 1620.
Answer: Massachusetts
What colony grew tobacco?
Answer: JamesTown Colony.
What is the middle colony nickname?
Answer: The breadbasket
What are the Economic advantages for New England colony?
Ship building,Whaling,and Fishing.
Fill in the blank
About ______-______ years,the servant will get it's freedom and can own its land after he has completed his obligation.
Answer: 3-7 years
Which one of the 13 colonies had a May Flower compact?
Answer: Plymouth colony.
Fill in the blank
________ were brought over from various parts of Africa againt their will.
Answer: Slaves.
Who found New Jersey
Answer:Henry Hudson
Fill in the blank
______ came to new england to escape the king who punshed them for their religion.
Puritans is the answer.
Who found Virginia?
Answer: John Smith.
True or false: Did the may flower passegers have slaves on it?
What crop saved Jamestown?
Answer: Tobacco/ Tobacco seed.
Who found New york?
Answer: The Dutch
Who found New Hampshire?
Answer:Captain John Mason.
Who found North Carolina?
Answer: Sir Walter Raleigh.
what religion was the may flower compact?
Which colony was the richest colony?
Answer: Massachusetts bay colony.
What does middle colony grow
Answer: Grains
How did the New England Colony make money?
Answer:Fishing,lumbering,and subsistence farming
Who found Georgia?
Answer: James Edward Oglethorpe.
Who found the mayflower?
Answer:Christopher Jones ( Not Christopher comblus)
fill in the blank
_______crops they had alot of diseases do to the Roanoke.
Answer: cash crops.