What is "natural increase"?
The difference between birth and death rates.
Three members of the high clergy.
Bishops, archbishops, and cardinals.
One "natural right" according to Enlightenment.
Equality before the law and the right to own property.
Este tratado puso fin a la Guerra de Sucesión española.
El Tratado de Utrecht.
What is confiscation?
Forced expropriation of Church and municipal lands for state sale.
Medieval associations of craftsmen that regulated manufacturing and fixed prices, hindering competition and innovation.
Three members of the low clergy.
Priests, monks, friars, and nuns.
The editors of the Encyclopedia were...
Diderot and D'Alembert.
Estos documentos abolían las leyes y privilegios de la Corona de Aragón.
Decretos de Nueva Planta.
The three powers of a State.
Legislative, executive and judicial.
One agricultural innovation introduced in Britain and the United provinces in the 17th century.
the four-year rotation and new, more productive crops (potatoes, sugar beets, corn).
The third estate or commoners paid taxes to these people...
Crown, nobles, and Church.
Philosopher that defended the separation of powers.
Alianzas de los Borbones españoles con los Borbones franceses.
Pactos de Familia.
What is mercantilism?
A economic system based on economic protectionism (taxing imports to promote national production and accumulate precious metals).
Large workshops focused on the production of weapons and luxury items.
Royal factories.
Two demands of the bourgeoisie were...
Greater political representation and legal equality.
Philosopher that introduced the concept of national sovereignty
Una revuelta popular contra los ministros italianos de Carlos III.
El Motín de Esquilache.
A royal institution created to study and spread knowledge.
This invention, first used in textile workshops around 1770, marked the beginning of the Industrial Revolution
Steam engine.
What did the lower nobility do to improve their economic situation?
Strategic marriages with wealthy bourgeois families.
The "father" of economic liberalism.
Adam Smith.
Carlos III expulsó de España a esta orden religiosa.
What is censitary sufrage?
Voting rights restricted to property owners or those meeting wealth criteria.